Tics, Twitches: Fear. Louise Hay says, in her book You Can Heal Your Life about the mind-body connection, Eye: Represents [], [] My first introduction to the actual word affirmation, however, came much later, when I discovered Louise Hay and her book You Can Heal Your Life. In the 1984 book, Louise Hay spoke about her fight with Cancer. THE BODY I am grateful to God for keeping me alive cuz they sent me home on hospice four yrs ago. Nervous Breakdown: Self-centeredness. If you remove the emotions that caused it, by replacing them with better emotions, your body will recover . Have you read my post on the Appreciation Journal (link below) technique from Abraham Hicks???? [adinserter block=4]. Possessive. Louise Hay, whose book You Can Heal Your Life preached the power of love and affirmation, sold tens of millions of copies and made her a leading voice of the New Age movement in the 1980s, died. When you open your spice cabinet, allow your intuition to guide you to the herbs and spices you feel most drawn to. Happy 2016!!! In addition to 5-HTP, passion flower, lemon balm, rhodiola, and ashwagandha, you may want to consider also going to a psychopharmacologist if your panic gets out of control, for temporary medication support. In it, Hay stated that she was born in Los Angeles to a poor mother who remarried Louise's violent stepfather, Ernest Carl Wanzenreid (19031992), who physically abused her and her mother. Heartburn: Fear. Thank you for replying. I dont want my readers too focused on it, so im closing the comments in this post. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Feeling unnoticed. Fell in love with a man I could not have and had to work with him for 5 years, still trying to let go And the better you become at noticing GOOD instead of BAD. And chances are, once the hiccups start, youd feel frustrated enough to keep them going! Wanting to hit someone. Self-criticism. Hi, I suffer with a form of trichotillomania hair pulling since I was a small child. Discouragement. Poor me. Yes i do believe that all our physical conditions have an emotional link. Bung thyroid? In 1954, she married the English businessman Andrew Hay (19282001); after 14 years of marriage, she felt devastated when he left her for another woman, Sharman Douglas (19281996). The list is available online ( https://alchemyofhealing.com/causes-of-symptoms-according-to-louise-hay/ ) and there are other sites that have linked affirmations you can look at and try out if thats [], [] anger need expressed. Overbearing attitudes. Sinus Problems: Irritation to one person, someone close. Unsatisfied. Anger. What you will notice is as you get better at finding more to appreciate around you, your life will begin to turn in a different direction. Mountains out of molehills. Dont bother me. Is it really enough? Warts: Little expressions of hate. Im doing it now. Creativity. Slipped Disc: Feeling totally unsupported by life. Getting stuck in childhood. Affirmation: I trust the process of life. If you tend to get shortness of breath andpanic, If your blood pressure tends to be too high or you get chest symptoms, Scoliosis and having a rod in my spine with a fusion from my neck all the way through, Epilepsy and narcolepsy, where I fall asleep, once falling asleep while running across a bridge and getting hit by a truck and thrown 86 feet, fracturing my pelvis, ribs, and scapula and probably sustaining a brain injury, Bilateral invasive breast cancer with a double mastectomy and reconstruction, During one spinal fusion revision surgery, bleeding out on the table, taking 10 minutes to be resuscitated, and being in the ICU for two and a half weeks. Condemning. Set opinions. Not hearing the inner voice. Nail Biting: Frustration. Thanks for posting and inspiring people. Louise C Wilson's research works | Great Ormond Street . [], [] on this link right here to go to CAUSES OF SYMPTOMS ACCORDING TO LOUISE [], [] As one wise old man and ascetic Thaddeus said, what our thoughts are, such is our life. I dont do enough. I found this book while in the depths of depression and it turned my life around in the next few years. Im not willing to except this diagnosis. 3) J.D. hi Linnea, it belongs to Louise Hay so im not sure where you need to get permission from sorry. EXACT situation over here. Your health and every other aspect of your life will improve if you let go of resistance. The medical team did even less. Thyroid Gland: Humiliation. Hodgkins Disease: Blame and a tremendous fear of not being good enough. I love hearing feedback. I dont believe our DNA remains the same, maybe for some people but certainly not for me. And his trauma gave birth to a form of wisdom that is a revolutionary force to create peace in our society. Otherwise you can read or listen to the materials of Abraham Hicks which is where i started to heal my body and life. If you follow Louise Hay, youll learn that many illnesses are derived from a hidden negative In my case it was unnecessary guilt, and that was one of the constant feelings I had to let go in [], [] [6]Afsar, F. Causes of Symptoms according to Louise Hay. In September 2011, Hay and Cheryl Richardson released their book You Can Create An Exceptional Life. Tenemos que reaprender a pensar y hablar de forma positiva para vencer el hbito arraigado de la negatividad.,Los principios propuestos por Louise L. Hay, aplicables a temas como la salud, el perdn, la prosperidad, la creatividad, las relaciones, el xito profesional y la autoestima, te permitirn disfrutar de la vida maravillosa que mereces.. Chronic complaining. Swallowed anger. A blow to the feminine ego. Itching: Desires that go against the grain. Hello. Bruises: The little bumps in life. Belief in aging. I keep telling myself to feel the fear and do it anyway. See the two of you, healthy, living in a beautiful, safe place, having wonderful relationships, parents, friends, co-workers, being greeted with joy wherever you go. Resisting the flow of life. Can these emotional triggers be passed on through the genes, so, say, a parent who suffered an emotional crisis can pass the related symptoms to their offspring who has not been through the same crisis? Podala a vedla semine jako motivan kou, pednela o metafyzice. Guilt. Regular price: $7.67. hopeful? Ive found your website as I research emotional reasons for illnesses. Conjunctivitis: Anger and frustration at what you are looking at in life. Muscles cant stretch. I thanks the universe for all those experiences as it has made me who I am today and in the words of the famous Coco Chanel WHAT DOESNT KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER Build your own self-esteem and self-worth. No longer caring for the self. Kidney Problems: Criticism, disappointment, failure. From the moment were born, we cry. The psychological support from the medical center was non-existent and if it were not for totalcureherbsfoundation .c om and the sensitive cure of their herbal formula he would have been not been alive today,there was significant improvement in the first 4 weeks of usage that gave us hope that he will be alive,His doctor put him on riluzole, letting us know there was no cure until we gave try on total cure herbal supplement that cure him totally from this disease after 15 weeks of his usage. Not trusting yourself to be there and to take care of yourself. What dont you want to hear? Exposure therapy can help stop the pattern in which you avoid more and more things in the world. By changing my thoughts, I now create peace in my world. From reading the above, I am sure we can all agree that truly Louise Hay had a traumatic childhood. Rejecting an idea or experience. When is it going to be my turn. I have helped many people heal their physical diseases with Louise Hays knowledge of mental causes of diseases . Hello Jane. You are very powerful. Louise Hay, a popular self-help author and an early AIDS advocate, has died at her home in San Diego at the age of 90 on Wednesday. Louise Hay promoted positive thinking through her speeches and wrote numerous books on affirmations to heal mind and body, love, women, and many more. As soon as you feel any negative emotion, you know your thoughts are not in alignment with your Source, and you have a chance to pick better thoughts. You cant keep going through peaks and troughs (which is challenging as you will hear from my story), because the experiences you attract in your life will come in the form of highs and lows. If you have neck problems, the probable cause is Refusing to see other sides of a question. Then everything that brings you happiness is drawn to you. Hello Elina, Blisters: Resistance. Fear of aging. xo. Running away from feelings. You keep having reverberating memories of the event in the form of dreams, images, or body reactions. Not one of the group. Tuberculosis: Wasting away from selfishness. Indigestion: Gut-level fear, dread, anxiety. Caressing. [adinserter block=4], J I really want to heal from this and often get frustrated because despite my efforts of positive thought, it will come back. In addition to running her publishing company, Hay ran a charitable organization called the Hay Foundation, which she founded in 1985. Feeling burdened. | happy green panda, Notre corps nous parle, mais lcoute-t-on ? Neck: Represents flexibility. Very informative post, thank you! Often the solution is just around the corner, but we cant take our eye away from the problem long enough to see a solution. Thank you for sharing your story Kyra. Eye: Represents the capacity to see clearly past, present, future. Peter, [] Or here: https://alchemyofhealing.com/causes-of-symptoms-according-to-louise-hay/ []. By Matt Wolf. So perhaps by doing these inner child exercises, we are implanting in our brain competing thoughts and memories that dilute or drown out traumatic ones. No matter how bad it is, you CAN and MUST find things in your life to appreciate. Last but not least, your body remains keyed up after the trauma with norepinephrine, that adrenal gland stress hormone, which causes you to be jumpy, reactive, and hypervigilant; your muscles will tighten, and youll get exhausted. A desire to control. [1] These grew from a few people in her living room to hundreds of men in a large hall in West Hollywood, California. Nothing to move forward to. Many wonderful, brilliant, and great peoples lives have been formed and directed by trauma. But I believe you have the power to change your life, no matter how dire the situation looks. You are worthy of all the health and happiness in the world. Headaches: Invalidating the self. Hay House also publishes the teachings of "Abraham" as channeled through Esther Hicks.[10]. She then explained that many women feel torn by the pressure to be all things. I know very well what it feels like. Channel of creativity. C Fear. Malaria: Out of balance with nature and with life. Appreciate the life out of everything. O Hopelessness and helplessness. Keep on writing, sharing and walking please! She then explained that many women feel torn by the pressure to be all things. Dont turn to anyone else for it. Blaming others. You feel youre incompetent to change the situation. When I was sick, I initially looked to my Doctors for hope, and Id then get even more frustrated when they didnt give me any. Griping and grunting. [], [] to start if you are looking for healing. All of us have the resilience in our brains and bodies to bounce back; however, when we experience an event that is over the top in magnitude, such as up-close, personal experience of war, watching a loved one die, being a victim of rape or abuse, and so on, the horrific memories get laid down in our brains and bodies. Mommy Mastery, Appreciation Journal: a recipe for miracles, Causes of symptoms according to Louise Hay. Stress. And it sounds like you have found this to be true as well, by guiding your clients to less unhappiness. Absent parathyroid T B. Webbed neck A. Streptomycin T C. Short stature B. INH D. Gynecomastia C. Rifampicin E. Hypercalcemia D. Ethambutol E. Pyrazinamide T 52 - Pericardial effusion is best diagnosed by : 56 - A 25 years old male patient presented with low grade fever and A. Echocardiography T weight loss. dis-ease. And yet she said she felt great. Thanks so much for everything you do to heal and transform lives! Every illness started emotionally to begin with. Louise Hay in London. Phlebitis: Anger and frustration. The pain in your body is a result of the emotional state you have been in, for some time. Glaucoma: Stony unforgiveness. I reached for my copy of Louises You can heal your life and could not find it just to see what thighs represent I found out yesterday and am still in shock really, even if the diagnosis is hopeful in that it was in its early stages and even though I will have to have more flesh removed from my thigh and have my glands checked, the doctor kept on repeating how great it is that I went to get the mole checked and removed NOW rather than waited any longer! Allergies: Denying your own power. I thought I was doing it in healthy ways and that it was leaving my body. Fear of the calendar. Subscribe to stay up to date with new articles and content. There has been an event in your life in which youve been threatened with such serious physical or emotional harm that it would be out of the range of what we consider normal life experience. Stubbornness, inflexibility. Hands: Hold and handle. Impatience, anger. Belching: Fear. My experience (which i based my book on) was the same with medicine and pills, they do very little more than offer cover up our illnesses. Goorjian. Fear of taking in life fully. Pain: Guilt. , [] Metaphysical causes of illnesses Louise Hay Anger & its antidotes buddhist views IF Rudyard Kipling, []. This as with all our other physical conditions is a result of resistance. So ended up on this interesting thread. Dark future. Tongue: Represents the ability to taste the pleasures of life with joy. Fungus: Stagnating beliefs. Me, I can feel this pressure at my throat. However, if the way youve learned to feel safe is by limiting your life to only one or two friends, youll feel less anxiety at first, but in the long run youll socially starve. Cellulite: Stored anger and self-punishment. If you have symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, and feeling out of your body, go to a neurologist to make sure you arent also having a brain wave problem. For me, it took years for my body to stiffen up, and for pain to develop in my hip, back, lungs etc. Hyperopia: Fear of the present. Affirmation: I am safe & relax. I feel safe with animals, I feel relaxed with animals, I live in harmony with all animals. 4.11 avg rating 840 ratings published 2014 36 editions. Hives: Small, hidden fears. You may feel numb or detached from loved ones. Abdominal Cramps: Fear. Brindha Kalyanaraman, Anxiety and The Importance of Releasing Trapped Emotions Auspicious Minds, Encyclopedia of Hip Stretches: Psychological/Metaphysical Connections Ananda Walker Blog, The Healing Practice Of Identifying Other People's Problems - Qwertydelight, The Metaphysical Causes Of Symptoms And Illness -Louise Hay Positive Paula Presents, New Year The show must go on Fly With Libellule, Methods For Healing Your Eyes - Christiana Acha, How to Make Positive Affirmations Work For You - Metaphysical Mama, The Healing Of Our Inner Child | ALEX AUN. Lack of joy. Hi Sandy, Face: Represents what we show the world. Inflammation: Fear. Affirmations help you change the wiring. I cant wait to see where it leads. Clarity comes with happier states of emotions, and so the reveres is also the case. Desire for revenge. Loss of mental mobility. I shared what she had to say about it at the time, but it kind of got buried among the rest of her pearls. Belly: Anger at being denied nourishment. Chills: Mental contraction, pulling away and in. And the reason for these diseases in my body was the fact that i did not fully understand that our thoughts have vibrations, which attract like diseases. The pain in your body is just resistance. I practice being peaceful when others are agitated. Chances are you had been feeling negative emotions for a long time before being diagnosed? Hey dear,just came across this today.left knee represents mother.please heal your relation with her,even if she is not around you now-just forgive her and ask for her forgiveness. Would you please give me some help ? Sothis little gland is a real work horse. Im sure if you pay close attention, you will find some emotion (which started with negative thoughts) you were feeling well before the hiccups. The parathyroid glands make parathyroid hormone (PTH), which helps your body keep the right balance of calcium and phosphorous. Cystic Fibrosis: A thick belief that life wont work for you. In 1984, Hay established the Hay House publishing firm. Last year, Hay House which is owned jointly by Louise Hay and the company president, Reid Tracy, 45 sold 6.3 million products, taking in $100 million, 8 percent of which was profit. Its time to focus on the far easier path to self healing, and that is by increasing our happiness factor! Feeling defenseless. Pancreas: Represents the sweetness of life. A form of control of those around you. Inappropriate timing. Running off. I found you by doing a search of hip problems according to Louise hay Heal your Life. You go out of your way to avoid situations that remind you of the event. Mouth: Represents taking in of new ideas and nourishment. Go outside, walk in the park, appreciate every flower, tree, animal you see. Physical conditions that took years to develop went away within months and sometimes weeks. Crying: Tears are the river of life, shed in joy as well as in sadness and fear. Its obvious, my siblings have never experienced the same level of physical illness that i have experienced. 2- has any scientist worked on the symptoms academically and proven them in the university? For example, I love myself just the way I am is a phrase that can be coupled with its seeming opposite, I want to change., Often people who have a history of trauma and abuse have difficulty holding paradox and are prone to black-and-white thinking. Is it possible to cure yourself of a disease they say is incurable? Her head felt shaky. Now that you have been medicinally and pharmacologically rewiring your body, you might as well do the same with your brain and your behavior. xo. I love your article. Scratches: Feeling life tears at you, that life is a rip off. Louise Hay's net worth was about $50 million by the time of her death. They call it re-parenting yourself.. Money, love, health, success, joy, whatever you want. It requires a lifestyle change, that is easier than you think. Quotes "We are each 100% responsible for all our experiences. Help please xxxx, Hi Edita, Im sorry to hear you are in pain. So I may be saying some shit soon LOLOften [], [] Resource: I am going to give you another resource which shows this body diseases & related emotions by Louise Hay. What you want to do is lift the emotions of your friends daughter. In retrospect, I appreciate all the signals my body was sending me, telling when I was headed in the right direction or not. Not centered. Back Problems: Rounded shoulders: Carrying the burdens of life. The parathyroid works by monitoring and controlling calcium levels in the body. Hips: Lumps of stubborn anger at the parents. These are all different forms of self sabotage we humans participate in, from a place of unhappiness. L-2 one is stuck in childhood pain and sees no way out of this. (non-affiliate link). Feeling unsupported. 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