Although women account for about 50 per cent of the population in Sierra Leone, only 28 per cent are household heads. The Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, which is located within the peninsula's vast rainforest reserve, just a few kilometres from the centre of Freetown, has a collection of rare and endangered chimpanzees. Sierra Leone is a country in the western region of Africa bordering Liberia, Guinea, and the Atlantic Ocean. They are locally known as Sierra Leonean-Lebanese. The president is the highest and most influential position within the government of Sierra Leone. Nearly 20,000 Liberian refugees voluntarily returned to Liberia over the course of 2007. The other ethnic groups included Themnes, Sherbros, Yalunkas and Soso were believed to have originated from the Upper Guinea Coast, whilst the Mendes were believed to have originated from the Mande Ethnic Group from the Mali Empire led by Queen Massarico. Sipsma, Heather L., et al. By September 2014, with the closure of borders, the cancellation of airline flights, the evacuation of foreign workers and a collapse of cross-border trade, the national deficit of Sierra Leone and other affected countries was widening to the point where the IMF was considering expanding its financial support. [156], As of 2012, Sierra Leone has 3 main hydroelectric plants. The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 16 districts, as of July 2017. The population of Bo is estimated at about 233,684 . An alleged plot to overthrow president Stevens failed in 1974 and its leaders were executed. On 20 April 1960, Milton Margai led a 24-member Sierra Leonean delegation at constitutional conferences that were held with the Government of Queen Elizabeth II and British Colonial Secretary Iain Macleod in negotiations for independence held in London. Another prominent figure in Sierra Leone history is Bai Sherbro (c.18301912). The Sierra Leonean Government is constitutionally forbidden from establishing a state religion, though Muslim and Christian prayers are usually held in the country at the beginning of major political occasions, including presidential inaugurations and the official opening of the new session of Parliament. [79] It is difficult to avoid the economic paralysis in Sierra Leone given that more than half of the population in the country is women. Stevens reorganised the country's oil refinery, the government-owned Cape Sierra Hotel, and a cement factory. Port Loko, the capital city of this province, was named for the Loko people and was established by Portuguese merchants. (2003), Book review: "The Athens of West Africa: A History of International Education at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone by Daniel J. Paracka Jr. New York: Routledge". This ended its 16years of running the Colony. Bo District Bombali District Bonthe District Kailahun District Kambia District Kenema District Koinadugu District Kono District Moyamba District The Parliament of Sierra Leone is unicameral, with 146 seats. [133][134] In total, there are 19 local councils: 13 district councils, one for each of the 12 districts and one for the Western Area Rural, and six municipalities also have elected local councils. Some of those executed include Colonel Kahota Dumbuya, Major Yayah Kanu and Sergeant Mohamed Lamin Bangura. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced from their homes and many became refugees in Guinea and Liberia. Eventually, "Elections before Peace" won the debate. "[132], Within the context of local governance, the districts are governed as localities. In August 2007, Sierra Leone held presidential and parliamentary elections. In 1995 Defence Headquarters was established, and the Sierra Leone Air Wing formed. Minister responsible for Religious Affairs* Cocorioko", "United Methodists elect bishop for Sierra Leone", "Methodist Church Sierra Leone World Council of Churches", "Crosspoint United Methodist Church Welcome Sierra Leone", "The History of the Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone", "The Evangelical College of Theology Sierra Leone", "Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Sierra Leone Presbytery Organization [WO-486]", "Sierra Leone::: A Place to Belong, Not Just Attend", "Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sierra Leone HOME", "Sierra Leone Evangelical Lutheran Church in America", "Sierra Leone Christians Preparing for PilgrFile: Sierra Leone News", "Sierra Leone: in wake of brutal war, churches full: News Headlines", "Visitors & Tours: Jehovahs Witnesses Office in Sierra Leone", "Sierra Leone LDS Statistics and Church Facts | Total Church Membership", "Historic milestone: Sierra Leone stake marks LDS Church's 3,000th", "Troubled Orthodox Mission in Sierra Leone", "Sierra Leone: The Temnes and the Politics of the All Peoples' Congress (APC)", "Sierra Leone 2015 Population and Housing Census Thematic Report on Gender", "Sierra Leone's Child Soldiers: War Exposures and Mental Health Problems by Gender", "Human Development Report 2009 Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in countries with high levels of human development (%)", "CIA The World Factbook Life Expectancy", "2006 Report on the global AIDS epidemic", "Envoys from five countries present credentials to president", "The Ebola response in West Africa: Exposing the politics and culture of international aid", "Makeni: Coalition of First Responders formed", "World Health Assembly Update, 25 May 2019", "Sierra Leone's road accident First Responder Coalition to save thousands of lives", "The Primary Health Care Hand Book Policing", Country Comparison: Maternal Mortality Rate, Country Comparison:: Infant Mortality Rate, "A woman covered in urine taught this Sydney mum a lesson about dignity", "Freedom From Fistula | obstetric fistula caused by obstructed childbirth", "Fistula camp helps women and girls in Sierra Leone regain their dignity", Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, "Estimates for the use of Improved Drinking-Water Sources, Sierra Leone", "China Lends $28.8 Million USD to Sierra Leone for Orugu Dam", "Sierra Leone's Infrastructure. Upon arrival in Sierra Leone, each recaptive was given a registration number, and information on their physical qualities would be entered into the Register of Liberated Africans. The Military of Sierra Leone also has a Chief of the Defence Staff who is a uniformed military official responsible for the administration and the operational control of the Sierra Leone military. [161], In 2019 Sierra Leone had a population of 7,813,215[164] and a growth rate of 2.216% a year. 14 are rural, with the capital Freetown divided into 2 districts. Print. Area figures are derived from geospatial data. Association football is by far the most popular sport in Sierra Leone. Outside the capital Freetown and other major cities, television is not watched by a great many people, although Bo, Kenema and Makeni are served by their own relays of the main SLBC service. Makeni is the administrative and economic center of the region. Credit card use is limited in Sierra Leone, though they may be used at some hotels and restaurants. There are organised youth and adult football tournaments across the country, and there are various primary and secondary schools with football teams across Sierra Leone. The district has the highest percentage, a total of 10.2%, making it the most populated in the country. [227] As of 2014[update], Sierra Leone was estimated as having the 11th highest infant mortality rate in the world. When the ships left them in September, their numbers had been reduced to "276 persons, namely 212 black men, 30 black women, 5 white men and 29 white women". She used diplomacy to communicate with many local chiefs who did not trust her friendship with the British. [217], Medical care is not readily accessible, with doctors and hospitals out of reach for many villagers. Descendants of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Fula migrant settlers from the Fouta Djalon region of Guinea, they live primarily in the northeast and the western area of Sierra Leone. There are two mountain ranges in this province, and it is one of two provinces without any coastline. The British Crown reorganised the Sierra Leone Company as the African Institution; it was directed to improve the local economy. He was reinstated after nine months through military intervention by ECOMOG. In November 1951, Margai oversaw the drafting of a new constitution, which united the separate Colonial and Protectorate legislatures and provided a framework for decolonisation. "A Systems View and Lesson from the Ongoing Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in West Africa". These At the highest level of administration, Sierra Leone is divided into five units. [226], In the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted by UNICEF in 2012, the prevalence of female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone was 94%. The three least populated districts are Karene, Falaba, and Koinadugu with 3.8%, 2.2%, and 2.7% respectively of the total population. Bonthe is one of the sixteen districts of Sierra Leone. [88] The situation has improved considerably since then with primary school enrolment doubling between 2001 and 2005 and the reconstruction of many schools since the end of the war. The Sierra Leone Police under Bambay Kamara's leadership was accused of physical violence, arrest and intimidation against critics of President Momoh's government. [39], The settlers that remained forcibly captured land from a local African chieftain, but he retaliated, attacking the settlement, which was reduced to a mere 64 settlers comprising 39 black men, 19 black women, and six white women. This means that no airline registered in Sierra Leone may operate services of any kind within the European Union. "Female Genital Cutting: Current Practices and Beliefs in Western Africa." By 2004, the disarmament process was complete. It is listed among countries of concern for emissions, as having Low Forest Cover with High Rates of Deforestation (LFHD). The Western Area Urban District, including Freetown, the capital and largest city, has a population density of 1,224 persons per square km. Pro-slavery advocates accused the Black Poor of being responsible for a large proportion of crime in 18th century London. The capital of this province is the city of Bo, and the largest ethnic group is the Mende ethnic group. The Western Area Urban District is one of the 16 districts of Sierra Leone. Manga Sewa was born in Falaba, Solima chiefdom, in the Northern Province of British Sierra Leone to Yalunka parents. Led by Colonel Montague James, the Maroons helped the colonial forces to put down the revolt, and in the process the Jamaican Maroons in Sierra Leone secured the best houses and farms. It is by far the most populous district in the country with a population of 1,050,301 and is located in the Western Area of the country. 50%. [28] The use of iron was adopted by the ninth century, and by 1000 AD, agriculture was being practised along the coast. [209], In the labour field, it is expected that the household will financially provide for the needs of the family. Next in proportion are the Kono, who live primarily in Kono District in Eastern Sierra Leone. [237], According to a national survey carried out in 2006, 84% of the urban population and 32% of the rural population had access to an improved water source. A brutal civil war broke out the same year, which went on for 11 years with devastating effects. A brief coup in 1997 led by Sierra Leone Army major Johnny Paul Koroma ousted Kabbah, who went into exile in Guinea. [160] This overarching goal has been broken down into smaller goals as well. The Republic of Sierra Leone is composed of five regions: the Northern Province, North West Province, Southern Province, the Eastern Province, and the Western Area. Recently there has been an increase of Pentecostal churches, especially in Freetown. [242], 37 per cent of married women in Sierra Leone were in polygamous marriages in 2008. The Christian holidays of Christmas, Boxing Day, Good Friday and Easter are also national holidays in Sierra Leone. The provincial districts are divided into 186 chiefdoms, which have traditionally been led by paramount chiefs, recognised by the British administration in 1896 at the time of organising the Protectorate of Sierra Leone. This merger eventually happened in 2011 after the necessary legislation was enacted. Only 20% of the urban population and 1% of the rural population had access to piped drinking water in their home. [66] Bureh surrendered on 11 November 1898 to end the destruction of his people's territory and dwellings. Sierra Leone's highways are linked to Conakry, Guinea, and Monrovia, Liberia. Sierra Leone's capital Freetown is located in the Western Area of the country and its makes up the Western Area Urban District. Though according to Professor C. Magbaily Fyle, this might have been a misinterpretation from historians. The arts in Sierra Leone are a mixture of tradition and hybrid African and western styles.[259][260][261]. [51], The Sierra Leone Company, controlled by London investors, refused to allow the settlers to take freehold of the land. The majority of the Kono ethnic group are Christians, though with an influential Muslim minority. Be the first to get the latest news, music and videos trending in Sierra Leone. The Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone estimated that 77% of Sierra Leone's population are Muslims, 21% are Christians, and 2% are followers of traditional African religion. However, females face gender discrimination making them the target of lower incomes and financial struggle. Within the confines of the 1991 Constitution, supreme legislative powers are vested in Parliament, which is the law-making body of the nation. [123], The president of Sierra Leone is the Commander in Chief of the military, with the Minister of Defence responsible for defence policy and the formulation of the armed forces. Many Ahmadiyya Muslims in Sierra Leone also follow the Maliki Jurisprudence. Sierra Leone Police was established by the British colony in 1894; it is one of the oldest police forces in West Africa. It became an affiliate member of the International Cricket Council in 2002. He was a close ally of Albert Margai, who had appointed him to the position in 1964. [185][186] The vast majority of Sierra Leonean Muslims are adherent to the Maliki school of Sunni Islam. Both genders experienced and were involved in high levels of violence. [42] William Pitt the Younger, prime minister and leader of the Tory party, had an active interest in the Scheme because he saw it as a means to repatriate the Black Poor to Africa, since "it was necessary they should be sent somewhere, and be no longer suffered to infest the streets of London". About 2% of the country's population are Creole people, descendants of freed African-American and Afro-Caribbean slaves. The Sherbro are primarily fisherman and farmers, and they are predominantly found in Bonthe District. The two districts of the Western Area are: As of 2017, there are 16 Sierra Leone districts. The British later captured Nyagua, and he was also exiled to the Gold Coast. The city is the main economic center of the province. Sierra Leone has a total area of 71,740km2 (27,699sqmi), divided into a land area of 71,620km2 (27,653sqmi) and water of 120km2 (46sqmi). President Kabbah took power with a great promise of ending the civil war. [203] The Jehovahs Witnesses[204] and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[205][206] are the two most prominent non-Trinitarian Christians in Sierra Leone, and they form a small but significant minority of the Christian population in Sierra Leone. The Military of Sierra Leone, officially the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), are the unified armed forces of Sierra Leone responsible for the territorial security of Sierra Leone's border and defending the national interests of Sierra Leone within the framework of its international obligations. Turay, went into hiding and fled the country to Guinea, fearing for his life. A new constitution was adopted in 1971, paving the way for Sierra Leone becoming a republic, and Siaka Stevens, leader of the All People's Congress (APC), becoming the first executive president of the Republic of Sierra Leone. Bai Sherbro ( c.18301912 ) to Liberia over the course of 2007 most populated in the field. Guinea and Liberia, went into exile in Guinea Sierra Leone European Union two of... Communicate with many local chiefs who did not trust her friendship with the British the highest of! Muslim minority 2007, Sierra Leone to Yalunka parents the districts are governed as localities the two districts Sierra... Bo is estimated at about 233,684 of reach for many villagers be the first get... As localities governed as localities he was also exiled to the position 1964... Total of 10.2 %, making it the most populated in the Western Area Urban District over the the most centrally located district in sierra leone 2007. 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