Registration No L6290. I have been trying to find information for him but keep drawing a blank. You state you have a fair amount of material re your crash would that include a pic of the crash site ? The church has had a few incumbents since Ashlachsen, we were married in 1991 by Malcolm Bury but he has sadly died. Pilot was flying on instruments in clouds when the aircraft hit violent prop wash, throwing the aircraft into a dive. Crash sites Airspeed AS.10 Oxford. Shows Ilse and I walked along Beldam Haw on Monday and I looked N. across the crash field which is divided into blocks by barbed wire. My assumption is that the crash must have occurred the same day, but that may be wrong. If you have the tail number of the aircraft that would be helpful in identifying the wreck details. Open full screen to view more. Ian. I used to watch dive bombers practicing on the spur of sand that extended from Tentsmuir. Several years ago had a visit from 3 of the surviving crew members who found quite a few bits of their plane on our land that adjoins the crash site. She lived in Knockholt. Expand. A V2 rocket landed in Parmiter Street, Bethnal Greenon 7th February 1945..I was 6 at the time and at Mowlem Street School..I remember the windows being blasted in and my house being bombed..My niece was killed in this raid and my Dad who was Mayor of Bethnal Green at this time was brought home from work . Learn how to create your own. During WW2 my aunt had had a colleague in the Day Nursery in Orpington, called Walton, whose father had the corn merchant business in Halstead. There are plans to recover the plane and the bodies in 2012. He was a TEC 5 and died in a plane crash, Killed On Duty but Not In Battle, in England on that date. 2 Killed Including Russell Charles Denny from Western Australia. Great that you are helping John Hargreaves daughter with finding info on 44 squadron and Lamsdorf. Spitfire K4164, flown by Polish Pilot Officer Roman Suwalski, crashed in Bees Nursery, Chester on 26th Jan 1942 due to mid-air collision, thought to be in bad visibility. The farmer told me he believed a Spitfire had crashed on the site. I currently have your uncles flying log book and other bits in my collection. Do you live in this area now? Not sure I can provide an answer, maybe someone else on here might be able to? Ive got quite a few bits & bobs that you may be interested in. One was Aug 1St 1039, the other in 1944. Though you cant see the cemetery in this view you will get an idea of the country your uncle flew over during the war. 36 then no. Thanks to former Stanhoe resident Arthur Walker for most of the information on these crash sites. Crash Sites Avro Lancaster. I believe it was an Oxford I. Print map. . Thats recently been made into the memorial mentioned above. Michelle. Four of the crew were able to bail out and survived. Regards The Manchester went down. Superfortress 44-61999 Over-Exposed! air crash site on Bleaklow, Aviation Archeological Research and Investigation,,,,, All photos and text are unless otherwise stated. Bomber crash at the village of Wellington Heath in Herefordshire in 1943. But there is more out there about this if you want to look for it. Lt Joseph J. Peacock, navigator, killed Because there was a vast amount of small fragments we decided to cease detecting on that field. I could have searched for many more years and not found the wonderful sources you did. On at least one occasion one did not pull up and there was a big splash. now, My Uncle William Pinfold was involved in an aircrash after taking off from RAF Harwell where he lost a leg. Thank you so very much for finding all that. On has some additions. Thanks so much for your email. The land owner who owns the field where it crashed had one of the propeller blades go up his potato harvester, still intact and with paint still on it. WW2 fighter pilots used their airborne skills to tip V1 Flying Bombs out of the sky to bring them down. I couldnt find anything on your website. I also knew from my mother, Hetty Allen (sadly died May 19 2019) that he was also shot down over Malta and that he was a member of the Guinea Pig Club. This accident is documented, but I have not seen it listed in any air crash sites or even in any number of incident lists. Sgt. He had so many stories about growing up there. Thank you for responding to my enquires. hello looking for information on allied aircraft which crashed in village of Hallot in France at the end of July 1944 my farther died and two others were wounded trying to rescue the crew, they ran into a mine field, Be nice to know if the crew survived and what aircraft it was. Has crew list and an account of the crash. Any further background on it? Google search Lancaster ME323 to find more. Mary Packman,s daughter was my Grandma,Janet Towler who studied at Homerton College,Cambridge, and died in 1966 in a house in Stonehouse Road, Halstead. "It gives you a buzz of excitement, because we . If you look on Google satellite maps, you can still make out the runways of what was RAF Blyton. (Donald something) Granpa Towler sometimes officiated at Evensong at the Otford Lane Mission., after 1954. Derrick, thank you for your reply. have picture of dad with lt. Harold saviers crew,305thbomb group,365th squad,40th wing,1st bomb div,chelverston. Connors killed, aircraft written off. The extra survivor is listed as your uncle, so we can safely conclude that is incorrect and also that your uncle Roy died in the crash so the date you have is of both the crash and his death. Would the area newspapers have an account of it? It is part of the only complete Halifax Mk3. Can you confirm if this is the accident or give me any more details thank you. The ac came down wing tip first tumbling and all engines were recovered from the surface. The plane was returning from a raid on the Karlsruhe railway marshalling yards. View all planes linked to locations in Scotland A small plane that took off from Auburn crashed Saturday into a storage facility in Kent . Just came across your website.Park Farm, Hoxne. Sqn. Hi Gary I live very near to you and I have done some similar research but in relation to bomber command, maybe this info will help. Sorry, I have not been able to identify this crash, Im afraid. Do you know of an aircrash or have a photograph of which I witnessed as a 4 year old at Cairnbulg It occured at the beginning of the aerodrome near where we were staying about 1944 I think it was a spitfire and the trainee pilot had come in too low and his rear wheel caught on the railway fence. 31st may 1945 B-17G 43-38919 561BS 388BG station 136 8AF KCR(killed in crash) Pilot Metz, Walter B ENGland Barningham/ 1mi SE, can order crash report from site that will probably list crew and likely other casulties. I would really like to see newspaper or local archival accounts. The grid reference is SJ764674, just North of the A535 and East of the A50. Footnote 1] Have a brother who lives in Costessey Michael Wright [ I was adopted ] ever come across him ? Crash Sites Bell P-39 Airacobra. When my grandfather, Rev. Ian, Hi Hover over a marker for more information. Experiments were carried out including an unsuccessful attempt to launch a fighter aircraft from a non-rigid balloon. Your memory of the exact spot is interesting, but I have not been able to find any air crashes at Holmes Chapel from around that time. If ever I get down that part of the country I shall try to pin down the exact spot and add a photo of it. I visited the Forum in Norwich on Saturday and made some enquiries about the crash at Walcot but without any success. You might find a couple of pieces I have put on YouTube/Lossie History of interest. I am so grateful that Im nearly at a loss for words. Campbell made a crash landing upon returning to base. Nachtjagdgeschwader 3, was the last Axis aircraft to crash on British soil during World War II. I forgot precisely where it was but if you know what I mean please let me know. The two planes, a Hawker Hurricane Mk.I V6565 and V7742 hit the ground on 12th August 1941 and . WWII crash sites to be surveyed. Ive heard that some of the planes are still located where they fell. Could you please get in contact? Archiving the history of Walcott-on-Sea, North Norfolk, at present researching plane crashes during WW2 I have researched the following B24 Liberator 29/4/44 [one killed the pilot] a Mosquito Bomber 13/9/44 [ all crew survived] and Whitley Bomber4/7/41 [all crew survived] I am sure there are more if any one can assist would be grateful. A highly decorated pilot returned to the uk 3 months later and was shot down and killed over Kent . Ottersum - Limburg. They might assist you in finding more information. Hi E.F/Bonser (296 Squadron), Thanks David, not a site I have visited. This question has been asked on-line before (not at this site) but I have not seen a response or answer. Hoping to help Dutch son of Ceess best friend from those days. Hi Geoff, have you seen this? I believe it crashed shortly after take off near Barningham, UK. Thanks Beth. Crash Sites De Havilland Mosquito. I know that Uncle Arthur is buried in Holy Cross Churchyard in Taibach Port Talbot, his birthplace, with his mother and father. Thanks for adding that Joe. What were they doing? We would love to finish and tell the whole story. This map was created by a user. As the plane reached about 900 feet, it slammed into the side of Cape Lookout, traveling about 200 miles per hour. Great site! F/S W.F.Insley My Father William George Baker. Ian, Thanks Ian, I cant find anything about the crash on Google. My dad has been talking about the crash that occurred at Curry Wood as he lived in Halstead and remembers it occurring. That is a fascinating story Paul. He put me in touch with a colleague of his at the War Graves Commission who he felt sure would be able to help me. Museum may be able to help, pictures of that crash here The watches on the bodies of those aboard had all stopped at 10:10 a.m. Several of crew were killed. I cant thank you enough. Cycle Route Wings of Freedom: Crash Site Spitfire LF Mk. It is titled I Join The Fray. Chris Thomson Sunday, 22nd November 2020 at 1:49 pm. Does anyone have any info on the crash of Liberator B24 j Shazam at Carrs Wood Costessey Norfolk on 7th March 1945. Any info gratefully received. This was apparently a bullseye sortie that went badly wrong. Can you tell me if Lancaster ED548 ph-1-x was recovered after the crash on 07/07/1943 at the Pow burn near Airth, 1/2 mile west of Kincardine Bridge.I live in Kincardine, my father told me as a boy of the crash.During this lockdown I have collated all the crew and their positions.Was it based at Grangemouth,did it fly from there and was an explosion the cause of the crash. I work for the local council and would seek to put some sort of memorial up should it be located on the part of the heath that we manage. But anyway it is on the corner of Back Street and St Peters Close in the village. Gday all walking; dogs; wheelchair users; climbing . already, no pictures. I was four years old at the time, but have a vivid memory of very small pieces of aircraft scattered, of what seemed to me at the time over a wide area. Great memories of playing in the Spitfire at Hooton. Crash Sites Consolidated PBY Catalina. The 75th anniversary is looming and me being the Parish Chair for Birkin we are to erect a memorial to the flight crews at the crash site. When you have time, look at and open up the Uplifting Guide and Mission 115Z PDFs. Originally marked as lost with out a trace, new information was found according to German night fighter logs. Ammunition was flying everywhere. There was no mention by them of a fatality. if so I would like to know your source as I do not have a pic of my site despite many enqs,thanks. People who have read it found it quite amusing. Would you have anything on this. It looks like your uncle was the pilot of Lancaster ME323 which was shot down at eight minutes past one on the morning of 4 March 1945. The bombers had been recalled due to bad weather but 42-97236 while climbing into formation, encountered a heavy downdraft and the plane went into a dive. any help appreciated. Maybe. F/S B.V.Mowan Roger. Seattle Times staff reporter. Hi Mick this would be William Hughes from Ticknall? IX, NH356. Airspeed Oxford NM683, Rushup Edge, Peak District. This information means a great deal to me. Sgt Leroy L. Logan, engineer / upper turret gunner, killed I did a brief enquiry into the Ancestry Website and I see that Lt Reeds body was repatriated to the USA in 1948 and is buried at Benton Harbor Michigan but you may well know that. I lived there from 1955 70 and small pieces of aircraft were constantly being unearthed when the field just opposite the farm entrance was ploughed. Hi again Roger Or maybe as a general enquiry, ask someone here at the Coroners Society. Just read your threds on the Plumpton Wellington L7857 crash site. Going back to the air crash, dad used to talk about growing up in the war years, I think our children would be taken away from us if we allowed them to do some of the things he and his friends got up to!! Sgt Donald L. Moore, right waist gunner, killed If you find out any more you can add it here and then there will at least be a source of info for anyone else looking for it. Martin here. Any further information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I feel it is just a civil servant playing overly safe. Any info gratefully accepted. During an investigation into the crash, officials determined the aircraft had left Colorado Springs between 9:30 and 10 a.m. that morning. I was serving as a wren air mechanic at RNAS Donibristlein the summer of 1944 when I witnessed aplane , possibly a Barracuda There was a lot of debris scattered around the site and we were prevented from getting any closer to the wreckage owing to a police cordon. would there not have been an official (though not public) inquiry after the event? Will also have a think about where else you might be able to find the information you need. One other thing, in doing a basic computer search for the crash site, Park Farm, Hoxne, Suffolk, I was unable to find it. I would be very grateful if you have the time to look up the crash at Walcott when you go to the Forum,I do have pics of the B24 [Alfred 11] of Reed and all his crew, 8 ejected over Beccles and the co pilot over Ingham. I've put it on a map, similar to PlaneCrashMap here, and have used what I've learned on this site to make it more easy to use and quicker, despite the larger data source used. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Ian, hi steve Just come across your query about Robert Leonard Double. This is more about local history than anything else, as an ancestor of mine , name of Atkins, was Richard. Hi Jonathan, What great work being done here. Hello everybody, I was on my way to abersoch yesterday and out of the car window I saw something that looked like a p51d or a spitfire mk9 that had crashed in a small building (like a kind of brick shed. A He-111 on the borders of Sweden with Norway Sweden . I also was wondering reading your query whether the MOD in declining your application might advise what information they have? Crashed after collision with F/O Boulton's aircraft. Richard. NOT the B24 that crashed on Freckleton school near what is now Bae Warton. and occupied by sheep. Each time we retrieved these items they were handed to the landowner who was aware of the crash site. One was called Losses of the US 8th and 9th Airforces Volume 5 April 1944 to June 1944 written by Stan D Bishop.It may be worth checking to see if the crash of Alfred 11 is recorded. Hi Roger Bean My father told me about how he met my mother. All crew lost all buried in there local cemeteries other than Boyes, of the RAAF whose buried in Pershore. He says the crash site presents a large discoloured patch of soil following the fire as the Wellington was still carrying its bombs, apparently? I have found a report in Jim Jones Personal history of RAF Harwell which I think my be this accidentmarch 11th Wellington X3874 observed by schoolboys to roll over on its back 600feet over Didcot and spiral down, it crashed and burnt outin Fleet meadow.Its said the pilot was practising single engine flying when he got into trouble the accident was thought to be 1942 but not sure. Its close to a river and is in a small wood. that particulair night. Also worth noting that one can stay at the Restaurant les Grpins & that the UK company has a campus there. Hi Steve, I have looked in the books I own but can find no reference to it. The crash was at Blewbury Hill Didcot. Would you happen to know the name of the landholder where you found the pieces of the plane? The wreckage remains as a memorial. Any information you may have I would be pleased to receive. Hi Matt, Hello, Good luck to you all in your searches. In some small way its comforting to see the area where he must have flown many times. Maybe someone else reading this might be able to help? Ian. I just replied to Mike above, and I would gladly pose those same questions to you. Sorry I cannot help Richard Storr but I am replying as I live in Walcott on North Norfolk coast and as local historian I researched the crash at 1329hrs on Sat 29th April 1944 of a B24 at Walcott the pilot 2nd Lt John Warner REED aged 26 was killed, all of the crew of 9 bailed out and survived. Dr Wigram was our GP. The website has a good list of links to other websites. I have to go back at what I just now do remember (without checking) and what Tom wrote and told me in his original letters to me! The crew parachuted to safety over Penrith and the pilotless bomber crashed into Brownrigg fell near Plumpton, a village a few miles north of Penrith. I daresay you have already done this. 6 miles round trip on rough trail, 3,000 feet elevation gain. Home; Map of crashes; List by state; About; Washington fatal crashes (1183) View all crashes on a map. 26 April 2011. The plane landed into units at a storage facility in Kent. I remember one of the older girls next door (the coal mans daughter) holding my hand and taking me over there to see the crash site. Danish coasts.. total of 22 aircraft were lost thats all i know .. I saw the crash which was caused by the Waco on tow getting out of position and pulling the tail of the tug to starboard. va said records were water damaged so thy were no help. Crashsites. Following the Snake Pass, the hike up to the plane wreckage is around 2 miles (3.2km). I found what looks like a latch handle that has a plastic grommit attached, and the grommit has Wellington Regd moulded into it. Sometimes the info is out there and it all opens up and its enjoyable to pirce the story together when it does (and there is more to be found I am sure, not least ironing out the discrepancies). I was wondering by any chance does anyone know of any photographs (old or new) of the crash site/remains? Plane stalled on approach. I visited Halstead on Thursday by bus. This interactive image was created with ThingLink. FS Kraemer mid upper gunner unfortunately L lost his life but his body was recovered from the wreckage and buried 3 days later in Cambridge. Nature-based crafts enthuse Stanhoe WI members. I dont think this is the correct place because your dates are different, but Im looking for more information about the crash where my great uncle lost his life, and I really dont know where else to look. He and 2 others ran to rescue the crew but sadly they ran into an enemy mine field, he was killed and the others were wounded, I would like to know if possible? This site only details air crash sites in England and Wales, you may be better off asking the site admin for air crash sites scotland. Hi Richard, Thanks for your efforts much appreciated, as a police officer done many duties at Madingly, very impressive place. A further shed was added to the site and a range of non-rigid airships designed and constructed. Public Tags. Republic P-47C Thunderbolt 41-6246 on Aran Fawddwy. Thanks for your comments Richard I have checked out that web site Honor the Fallen no trace of Lt Reed, so Ive messaged them asking why as he was awarded the Purple Heart posthumously.Saw your Shazam site, any particular reason you are researching the Costessy crash? Early next month, the family of our B17s tailgunner will be getting their historic cartridge, in a cheery ceremony at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs. Best wishes Thank you again. Map of wartime aircraft crash sites. Adice greatly appreciated. In the summer holidays in 1943 a Lancaster came down at night near Hamstreet. Source Material The main source material used for the maps were the St Margaret's ARP Log books, transcribed by our Hon. Any help would be appreciated, Our uncles were killed in the same crash.Family lore says the aircraft (possibly L4323) was attempting a spiral manoeuvre before crashing. I am doing research on the incident and I have a fair amount of material lncluding the names of the crew but any other info would help with my project. By: Keith - 4th September 2008 at 06:00 I'm going on holliday soon in Allhallows-on-Sea and would like to visit a few crash sites in or around Kent, where i could have a look around and maybe even a bit of metal detecting without trespassing or bothering anyone. I have googled for any crashes logged in the area but I cant find anything. Do you knowis Park Farm an actual farm, a park, or a village? We also saw the jail were the crew was taken after capture. All military aircraft crash sites in the United Kingdom, its territorial waters, or British aircraft in international waters, are controlled by the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986. . I used to have to walk to the pharmacy at Halstead to get Granmas prescriptions. The pilot was in turn shot down over the channel but was picked up off the German coast. They were returning from an attack on Germany (Cologne?) 1. Other times such the as the request about the P-47 above searches all end up pointing to the same very limited resource. Ian. I would appreciate any information you have on John, 44 squadron or Lamsdorf. Germany Crash Sites (WWII) Germany Crash Sites (WWII) Sign in. what aircraft it was and if the crew survived. Lancaster NE132 near Harlech. Hundreds of bombs fell on Kent during the Doodlebug Summer. There is a chance Leicester Mercury may have details in their archieves. And you said there are many local stories about the crash? The result was that the Albemarles port wing stalled and she dived vertically into the ground. If you have not been to Madingly a visit is highly recommended Hiim looking for the exact location crash site of Stirling Lk116. Jonathan. I am sure every USAAF crash site was photographed. Your father worked in the woods at Randles Lane,and my aunt told me his name. My dad cycled from Great Glemham and my mum cycled from Saxmundham and that is how they met. Hi Richard, Thanks for your efforts much appreciated, I was a police officer in the Cambridge area which covered Madingly [ retired 1995 ] and I spent many duties on Madingly Day, and used to call in at various times,very impressive place. Forgot to say crash site was in the village of Wetheringsett, Suffolk. Frederick Fraser. Kind Regards And but seconds after the whole crew jumped exploded in mid-air. I think it was called Hudds Hill? As they got there, the fuel eventually ran out. Best regards Hi John, sorry for the late reply. 3 of the crew were killed in the crash: They are eye-witness accounts of two crashes I witnessed. Do you know where it may be currently? August 21, 2016 at 11:03 pm. A researcher, @clapos (his internet forum and twitter alias, as he has asked not to reveal his real name), has done a thorough research and located on Google Earth the exact locations of dozens of WW2 aircraft wrecks all over the Globe, both Allied, as well as Axis ones. Sarah. Bomber crash in the village of Wellington Heath in Herefordshire in 1942-43. Thanks to former Stanhoe resident Arthur Walker for most of the information on these crash sites. I would really appreciate any information you have on John, his daughter and/or the crash. For those looking for downed aircraft information may I suggest looking at the below resources. Hi Roger I was shown the site many years ago by an eye witness to the crash but memory has faded. I am in the front seat by the way. The pilot overcorrected in trying to pull out and the plane broke in half near the bomb bay. Trying to find the exact location of crashed Avro Lancaster 11 683 My research re 2nd Lt Reed is complete re the crash except for a pic of the crash scene, I have a ongoing enq in the States re a possible nephew which I am waiting on. Engine and parts at Parham Airfield Museum. Mostly concerned with the site of the pilot who died, Lt. Earl H. Bond, Did you find out about crash site?never heard of this onepaul. I have traced the family of Russell Denny and sad to say he was one of two that were lost out of a crew of 4. I am a relation of a crew member located in Australia. The crash site being about 7 miles out to sea from Prestatyn. Thanks for your replyI obtained all my pics and info from web site a very good site. The Winsford & Middlewich Guardian, for example. Here, a party from 49 MU drags sections of a crashed aircraft across a Kent hop field. Thanks. I am told it was a Armstrong whitly but can find no colabaration. I was pleased to see that you had photos of all the crew of Alfred 11. Will have a look at what I have and let you know if I find anything James. Hoxne and Park Farm on Ordnance Survey mapping. Thank you. I havent much info, but do you have a copy of Michael J Hursts book on Lake District air crashes? Richard. (Page 213). Any news appreciated. The B-17 is owned . It does sound a little unreasonable given, as you say, the land owner is at liberty to dig on his own land but not apparently disturb what may be there or may not be there. Oosterhout - North Brabant. . I have to go back at what I just now do remember (without checking) and what Tom wrote and told me in his original letters to me! Edge, Peak District Costessey Norfolk on 7th March 1945 than Boyes, of the and... About ; Washington fatal crashes ( 1183 ) view all crashes on ww2 plane crash sites map kent Map engines were recovered from surface. 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From the surface might find a couple of pieces i have googled for any logged! S aircraft on these crash sites ( WWII ) Germany crash sites about 900 feet, slammed. That some of the country your Uncle flew over during the Doodlebug.... And that is how they met clouds when the aircraft hit violent prop,.
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