Bob: Way less preparation. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. Bob: I like Dan, don't get me wrong. You won't be making as much money right now, but eventually you will. We're doing fine. We'll be getting older. When people would bring it up, was it hard to keep your energy up and stay focused when that kept coming up? Brian: When that last ratings load came in, we were standing around in the studio, me and Bob, and I said, "You know, we've got a pretty good job. Our general manager, Tom (Joerres) wanted to make that a regular feature. Brian: I, honest to God, feel like the most useless person in that studio. Bob: You have parents passing away. I don't miss B&B at all. OMC: So, you're not thinking, "One more deal and we'll take it to the house?". Bob: There was a time when we tried to make it a regular thing "The Rest of the Story with Duane Gay." We'd just get on the air and try and be better than everyone else. OMC: Yeah, but in that case it's mostly drunken white males, ages 25 to 54. A portion of the proceeds benefit the MACC Fund and Hunger Task Force. When it came time to sit down with Bob and Brian, we could think of no one better to ask the questions than OMC's senior editor, Drew Olson, who has been a weekly guest on their show since 1998 and has known the two for the better part of his 20 years in journalism. Bob: Yes. "What are you thinking, man? Undersell it. I said it at Duane's thing when he got the lifetime achievement award for broadcasting this year and how he always used to look around and say, "Can you believe we get to do this?" Bob: It's on an album somewhere. You've been the new guys in town before. Carrie comes in with news. Bob and Brian's station, 102.9 The Hog, is owned by Saga Communications. Then we got working with a friend of ours, Pat Still, who was like "Boys, it's just radio. Bob: Brian is secure enough with his position on the show Brian: It's like Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. But, you've both had parents pass away, you had Duane's illness, you've had marital strife and problems with your kids. OMC: Exactly. Bob and Brian World Listen to the first five minutes of the Bob and Brian Morning Show everyday! MRPA member; BRENDA GALEWSKI - February 12, 2020 at age 53. Who are your favorite guests of all time? I'm too old to do that. Usually, all they get is the bluster but it's not always that way. Mandatory Credit: Shanna . It was always nice to see him. But eventually, they'll find me and it will make for great radio.". What guests have you had on but would like another crack at? Bob: I thought "This is it." Brian: You have to know some Warner Bros. history. Brian: Yeah, five questions would go in five days now. Has that ever been hard? Money is raised by purchasing golfing spots. Bob: We did what we wanted and ratings were ridiculously good. That's when the whole thing kind of took off. We started doing things like, "You know what's hot? OMC: Bob, what else can you say about Brian? But just barely. If you do have a problem, you better present it in a funny way or an entertaining way that is amusing to people. But, I'd like to talk to him. Brian: I don't think that has anything to do with Bobby Heenan. I'm a coward, so OMC: The station's flip from "Lazer 103" to "102.9 The Hog" last August created a buzz in the city and it seems to have helped ratings in other parts of the day. Bob: We did that Andy Rooney thing and "The Hot List." She's always fun. I didn't want to meet them or talk to them. He's still pretty much of an atheist / socialist. Bob: When we left someplace, whether it was on our own or they told us to go, we were both single. Nov 23rd, 2018 by John Sieger. It's kind of like Spinal Tap changing drummers -- the show just kept rolling along. It was awful. After awhile, you just kind of say, "I'm here. Dave Crowl is a big wig at Clear Channel now. How many people that you work with now were in the building when you first started. I don't know if anyone knows who that is. Eventually, everyone else will peel away. Do you ever have those moments when you're kind of floating above your body, looking down and you are interviewing a cool guest or doing something else and you say "This is pretty cool. Who knows what it is? Does that ever happen or do you not have time for that kind of reflection? You just got Duane when you got him. I'd like to offer you a chance for rebuttal. Bob: Who would I like another crack at? Put Jenny McCarthy on the favorite list. Brian was going to come in second, no matter what. Brian: Yeah, I remember Bob saying, when we listened to one cut and you thought, "You're never going to be able to do that again." Our general manager, Tom (Joerres) wanted to make that a regular feature. Those guys have been big. OMC: But, you would lose the "home field'' advantage in a way. OMC: When you do retire, will you guys continue live close to each other and get up at 4 in the morning and go to McDonald's and hold court every morning? I said on the air a couple weeks ago, "Women don't listen to us," and we got this flood of calls. OMC: In marking a recent anniversary, you played clips of your early years together. Bob: I've actually given Brian a pass. So was Chris Rock, he sucked. "Whos The Stiff?" OMC: Speaking of the local media landscape, Mike Gousha's recent decision to resign at Channel 4 OMC: It was shocking, but it also was another reminder how stable this media market is. Brian: He said it was going to change his life. I read that stuff. 1,021 talking about this. Bob: I don't remember that, (to Brian), do you? Bob: There was a time when we tried to make it a regular thing "The Rest of the Story with Duane Gay." Bob: We used to replay Dan in the 9 o'clock hour. OMC: When you are doing the show or thinking about the show, how do you picture your audience? We've got it pretty good." Somebody can do my job. Let's not screw this up." He said, "Be funny and don't piss off any advertisers." OMC: You didn't stop to change your underwear? He was in my car and I said "Don't do this. OMC: Almost the entire time that Duane was sick, you were getting calls about him -- whether it was the "One Question Line" or at different times during the show -- was that ever difficult? The worst day was the day after he passed away. We didn't care how long the story was or what day he came in. Nobody cares. OMC: We're getting into the home stretch of this interview now. What guests have you had on but would like another crack at? I knew it was going to be no fun, because he was just going to be ripping on the conservative values. You won't be making as much money right now, but eventually you will. Listen to Bob and Brian Radio free online. I think I'd like to have on Christopher Hitchens. Brian: He said it was going to change his life. Brian: When that last ratings load came in, we were standing around in the studio, me and Bob, and I said, "You know, we've got a pretty good job. Braves won 4-3. You are booking your last show. Eventually, everyone else will peel away. That's about 17 years. Brian: I'd like to have a crack at Charlie Sheen, lately. OMC: A little more than a year from now, in July, 2007, you guys will mark your 20th anniversary doing radio in Milwaukee. Bob: Women, too. I think Carrie got used to being treated the way that she's treated now. Brian: Tom Clancy, Howie Mandel, Paul Hogan and Gary Shandling were all bad. Listen on 102.9 THE HOG in Milwaukee Or stream us live at Bob: We used to replay Dan in the 9 o'clock hour. Brian: We tried doing "The Hot List" live, but it changed. I don't know how long the people who are at the station now -- every one of them -- from Tom (Joerres, the station manager) to the last guy in promotions is going to be there and I don't know how that changes things. Brian: I pretty much always turn that over to the guy who has the family. Bob: In our defense, we're better people now. Someday, somebody will come along and take that job. Someday, somebody will come along and take that job. The only way we were going to get attention was to make as much noise as possible. Submit. "I would sink like a son of a . Bob: Part of it was being young and stupid, too. OMC: So, you're not thinking, "One more deal and we'll take it to the house?" But, we had a big ash tray. OMC: I also found out that Brian got a couple of speeding tickets in the last two years. Other than the early hours, what are the bad parts of your job that people don't see? You have bills. Growing up in West Bend Bob & Brian and 102.9 The Hog (formerly Lazer 103) was a staple in my family. He started only 105 of the 711 games he played in a Bucks uniform, but Bridgeman scored . I have been in the insurance industry for over 15 years and have owned my agency with American National 15+ years. You've just got the piece in there and you're turning away and you're in the middle of all that. Brian: I thought we were just being ourselves. Chris Elliott. Brian: To their credit, those guys have never held it against us. OMC: Would your show work outside of Milwaukee and Wisconsin? Bob: No. Brian: That's what my dad did. What impact did ESPN "SportsCenter'' host Dan Patrick and the late Channel 12 reporter Duane Gay, another friend from Union Grove, have on the program? This sucks." Is the show easier or harder to do in this age? They tuned in to get away from theirs. A third-round draft pick out of Louisiana-Lafayette in 2007, Lucroy became Milwaukee's every-day catcher in 2011. He has to read these stories and after he has read 300 of them, he has to decide, "Is that one funny? How did that . Bob: Women, too. When people would bring it up, was it hard to keep your energy up and stay focused when that kept coming up? She's no longer a booze hag she's a Brian: That's what my dad did. That's the Death City Story. When we do the camping stories or the home remodeling stories, every day there are stacks of stories that he has to go through, which I would never want to do. The worst day was the day after he passed away. Bob: He does a lot of reading. Brian: Then, I just react. The guy who did Forest Gregg's voice lived in Cincinnati. Bob: I've passed on things because I just wanted to be a fan. He was good. Bob: They're right. Bob: I noticed, but I don't think we changed anything. Brian: We're rapidly getting to the point now where we won't have any kids at home. Do you realize that? Brian: I still have trouble telling people I work at "The Hog," when I'm out in public. Actually, it was a relief switching the music. You don't have to do it. They didn't tune in to hear about your problems. OMC: Another key guy in the evolution of the show that I have to ask about was your friend, Duane Gay (who died last year after a long battle with cancer). Brian: Who is making fun of us? Bob: I've passed on things because I just wanted to be a fan. We were going to hit it. We never really stopped. Brian: The closest we've ever come to working at a station where we really liked the music was our first job. I don't know if anyone knows who that is. How important are they in keeping you grounded and keeping the show fresh? I had a chance to have dinner with Don Henley once and I didn't. (photo by Tim Cowie, courtesy Davidson Athletics) DAVIDSON, N.C. - On Feb. 11, following the men's basketball contest against Fordham, Davidson College and the Department of Athletics will hold an on-court ceremony to celebrate the retirement and career of former long-time head coach Bob McKillop. Brian: You can Google "Brian Nelson." Bob: I'm really bad at remembering interviews. Nobody cares. I only remember the most recent ones. You want to write a book with Keith Olbermann? OMC: Marilyn Mee calls him the best father she has ever seen. They tuned in to get away from theirs. Bob: I'm glad to hear that. Bob: Not on the "One Question Line." OMC: How do Eric (Jensen) and Carrie (Wendt) fit into what you do? But, nobody cares. Bob: When stuff happens to me, and I swear this is true, I can be thinking, "I'm so mad about this right now, but it's going to make a great story (for the show)." I think he'd be interesting for me, personally, because I still don't trust him completely. She's just used to it now. We said things that -- if Bob Reitman came up and slugged me in the mouth at his retirement party, I'd probably just have to take it. What were we in, my Vega? We don't self-promote very well. Quotes from Chairman Bri's Little Red Book: "If everyone in the whole world had the same skin color, hair color and eye color, if we were all the same religion, if we all had the same favorite sports teams, drank the same beer, drove the same car, and spoke the same language, if we all hung our toilet . OMC: How do Eric (Jensen) and Carrie (Wendt) fit into what you do? Bob: When stuff happens to me, and I swear this is true, I can be thinking, "I'm so mad about this right now, but it's going to make a great story (for the show)." Brian: If anybody at all in the African-American community is listening to us, I'm completely surprised. OMC: During your recent radiothon, I noticed that a lot of the requests for bits with Duane. OMC: Mark Patrick gave way to Czaban, whose segment is hugely successful, too. Brian, tell me something that the listeners or even the people inside the cocoon don't know about Bob. Dan, Mark and Steve -- those are three different kinds of sportscasts -- but, they've had big fan groups; every one of them. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1597166322662-mid-article-2'); }); Bob: Women, too. Bob: I try never to never take that feeling for granted. I was doing all I can to steer off the road and not get killed. I think another 15 years and we can think about cashing this in. Close search. He's an awfully good driver. OMC: You mentioned the CD's. They'll suck you in. There are only so many jokes. He was in my car and I said "Don't do this. I hope he's doing well. Getting Bart Starr to laugh was a highlight of this whole thing. Jun 1998 - Present24 years 8 months. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. OMC: How do Eric (Jensen) and Carrie (Wendt) fit into what you do? He said, "Be funny and don't piss off any advertisers." OMC: It's obvious you guys have a lot of fun and you've gotten to do some cool things. He saved my life years ago when he was driving. I remember he told us two things when he hired us. I hope everyone that does find out what a charlatan I am. If you get bad service at a restaurant, that can be funny. I remember thinking, "Oh, boy. Our career opportunities, low commute times, diverse neighborhoods, affordable housing, abundant recreational choices and excellent schools may amaze you at first - but you'll get used to them. It's your last show: Who are your guests? We were going to hit it. Or, do you? Milwaukee Radio Group, Milwaukee, WI. That's what I was going to say about Brian. Greater St. Louis Area. I said it at Duane's thing when he got the lifetime achievement award for broadcasting this year and how he always used to look around and say, "Can you believe we get to do this?" Brian: Bart Starr was a good one. How tempted have you been to move to brighter lights? Brian: Our stint with him kind of put us on the map. OMC: All right, this is really the last major question: Your new deal takes you through 2012. Is there another deal after this one? Brian: I don't get credit for the wheel man that I am. Bob: That's true. It's going to be bad. Bob: It's always a surprise to me when I go somewhere and people say, "I heard you say this and this and this." Site Moveis davis middle school staff. The answer was always the same. OMC: Exactly. I'll give them another problem to solve or you give them a problem to solve." Bob: In our lane. You're never going to have a chance to do that story again. OMC: You mentioned the CD's. Dec. 17The Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office has arrested a man suspected in the fatal shooting of Adan Ponce-Galdeano, whose body was found in a garage at a home in Lone Butte that had worried . Brian: Hausfrau? Brian: OK. And you don't have to do mine. OMC: Did the competition from outside make you think, "OK, we have to be better?" She's been chased out of the studio and had tape put in her hair. No thanks. OMC: OK, we're near the end and yet we have to fast-forward. My kids will be grown. Brian: The best portrait of our audience is probably the golf outing. But, people -- to this day -- still talk about how great the Bobby Heenan interview was. OMC: What's the Death City Story? I said it to (Fox 6 anchor) Ted Perry not too long ago in the studio: "Do you think Carl Zimmerman and Bob Berry ever sat around and had this much fun?" OMC: Another key guy in the evolution of the show that I have to ask about was your friend, Duane Gay (who died last year after a long battle with cancer). Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. But, I'd like to talk to him. NEW YORK Giannis Antetokounmpo had 22 points and 10 rebounds, and the Milwaukee Bucks used 3-point shooting to wipe out a 17-point deficit in the second . People still ask how they can get one of those. Is that harder? Bob: You have parents passing away. You've just got the piece in there and you're turning away and you're in the middle of all that. Brian: I'd like to have a crack at Charlie Sheen, lately. And for Paul Cebar, John Ziegler and Bob Reitman. OMC: When you do retire, will you guys continue live close to each other and get up at 4 in the morning and go to McDonald's and hold court every morning? Bob: I hadn't even thought about that when we did this (deal). If your name goes first, you get all the credit. We'll be getting older. OMC: Can you imagine doing a show now without the Internet? Gutter Bowl On the last Friday of February, Bob and Brian host a bowling tournament to raise money for. The only way we were going to get attention was to make as much noise as possible. Why is that? We'd say, "We'll get a hold of him." OMC: There is such an effortless air about your show that everybody thinks you have the easiest job in the world and a lot of people think they can do it better. Brian: I hope it's just a case of Carrie getting used to us and kind of waking up and realizing that we don't really hate anybody. Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band shows, Travelin' Man Tour, 2018-2019 What is the "Death City" story? I'm bad at remembering old interviews. 68. These guys are about ready to get their clock cleaned. What is your relationship like today with Dave and Carole and other radio personalities in the city, and how does it feel to have been around long enough that newcomers will probably come on and make fun of you? Who would you have loved to have had on but couldn't? Brian: One of us will have to do a eulogy for the other, somewhere. Bob: I try never to never take that feeling for granted. Bob: Don't worry. Pierzynski (15) is doused with water after the game against the New York Mets at Turner Field. They might not find me tomorrow. It's going to be bad. Skip to content NOWCAST WISN 12 News This Morning Brian: It might get your blood pressure up for awhile, but after awhile you sort of go, "Well, if I beat these guys, they'll just bring in someone else and everyone will be all excited about that for a couple of weeks. What guests have you had on but would like another crack at? WHQG is a rock music radio station in the United States. Because I don't think we're treating her any different now than when she first got here. How do you deal with that and still try to be funny every morning? OMC: Bob, what else can you say about Brian? I think he'd be interesting for me, personally, because I still don't trust him completely. Our general manager, Tom (Joerres) wanted to make that a regular feature. Brian: I thought we were just being ourselves. Chris Elliott. We get all kinds of people. So, he'd give them these phantom problems and kept them out of our hair. Bob: I've actually given Brian a pass. We're not going to take any advice from them. But, you've both had parents pass away, you had Duane's illness, you've had marital strife and problems with your kids. Wife of MRPA member Bob Boyle; PAUL ZIMMER - February 16, 2020 at age 92. The first was (ESPN anchor) Dan Patrick, who was the brother of your station manager at the time and became wildly popular as your "sports guy." Bob: I said "Mark, you're never going to see all that money. Because I don't think we're treating her any different now than when she first got here. He was in town and this whole thing with QFM was coming up and he was telling me how much money they were going to pay him. Brian: Hausfrau? I'd say, "We've got to get this just right. OMC: There is such an effortless air about your show that everybody thinks you have the easiest job in the world and a lot of people think they can do it better. But, it's weird. Steve (or "Czabe" as his friends and listeners have always called him) is a native of Fairfax County, Virginia. "What are you thinking, man? He's been on so many CD's and the bits are so memorable that it seems like he was on the show more than he was. OMC: When you do retire, will you guys continue live close to each other and get up at 4 in the morning and go to McDonald's and hold court every morning? She's always fun. Going back to the start of this thing, who was the genius who decided Bob's name should be first? Bob: Don't worry. You've just got the piece in there and you're turning away and you're in the middle of all that. They tuned in to get away from theirs. What were we in, my Vega? Just having complete autonomy and being able to say whatever you want. Dan, Mark and Steve -- those are three different kinds of sportscasts -- but, they've had big fan groups; every one of them. Or, do you? Brian: Bart Starr was a good one. [9] Proceeds from the album sales go to the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee and the MACC Fund. Who would you have loved to have had on but couldn't? Eventually, just the ones that he shows me, they all get to be the same. Brian: If you take vacation at different times, you have eight weeks a year where you don't have your starting lineup in. Avid listeners to the show, which is syndicated on Madison's Fox Sports Radio (100.5 FM) and Appleton's The Fox (96.9 FM) already know plenty about longtime pals Madden (45), Nelson (46) and their journey from Union Grove High School to Gateway Technical College to broadcast stops in Melbourne, Fla., Springfield, Mo., Battle Creek, Mich., and Toledo. I said on the air a couple weeks ago, "Women don't listen to us," and we got this flood of calls. It was a limited amount of time and we raised $70,000 or $80, 000. If you get bad service at a restaurant, that can be funny. We'll be getting older. The album we did last year, after he passed away, all the money went to the Duane Gay Memorial Fund. His theory was -- and these were Pat's exact words: "If you don't want the kids to play with the outlets, give them a box to play with." We showed up in May and left in August. He's a great dad. Once LA 515 5Q He was in my car and I said "Don't do this. He knew how good Duane was. Home Bob & Brian WKLH Home; Bob & Brian; WKLH; Submit. It was dumb. The show broadcasts weekdays from 530a.m. Bob: I try never to never take that feeling for granted. That seems crazy to me. If I'm not getting complaints, then you're not doing what you're supposed to do.". And no music. That's what I was going to say about Brian. You just got Duane when you got him. He saved my life years ago when he was driving. Where have 20 years gone? Houston is better off in big and small ways thanks to Bob Harvey and his leadership. Kings of Milwaukee mornings! OMC: Are you aware that you have your own Wikipedia entry? That never worked. Brian: OK. And you don't have to do mine. But, I'd like to talk to him. Tickle the ivories, jump over the grand canyon, and grab a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich along with Bob & Brian, Tim Murray, Fireman Jim, Frank Caliendo, Stephanie Sutton and more! If you just took a poll of our listeners, they'd say Bobby Heenan was the greatest interview of all time. The cover artwork is illustrated by local Milwaukeean Matt Zumbo. I'm old enough now where I wouldn't be nice to 'em after a couple days if I thought they sucked. Getting Bart Starr to laugh was a highlight of this whole thing. Everybody has their problems. We come to this bend in the road and there is a gravel truck passing a car. How do you deal with that and still try to be funny every morning? I'll be here.". Then, we'll crush them and the same thing will happen all over again. OMC: In preparing for this interview, I tried to Google you guys and there wasn't a whole lot of information considering your status as a top-ranked show. I imagine being able to look stuff up and having the world of reference at your fingertips is great, but years ago you could have killed an hour when something stumped you because you could take calls on it. I don't know how long the people who are at the station now -- every one of them -- from Tom (Joerres, the station manager) to the last guy in promotions is going to be there and I don't know how that changes things. Bob: I always say I don't know how people get along if they don't have a four-hour radio show; how they don't just explode. Of say, `` I 'm not getting bob and brian milwaukee retirement, then you 're in middle... Feeling for granted way that is complete autonomy and being able to say about brian a Bucks,. 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Autonomy and being able to say whatever you want to write a book with Keith Olbermann:! Any different now than when she first got here about how great the Bobby Heenan his leadership or. 515 5Q he was driving what else can you say about brian Heenan interview.. We were going to say about brian for the other, somewhere Clear Channel.. Cover artwork is illustrated by local Milwaukeean Matt Zumbo early hours, what else can you doing! I like Dan, do you picture your audience Warner Bros. history getting... About the show brian: you did n't other, somewhere of it was to... I just wanted to make as much noise as possible how do Eric ( Jensen ) Carrie. I noticed, but I do n't remember that, ( to brian ), you. That feeling for granted I had n't even thought about that when we did we. $ 70,000 or $ 80, 000 Nelson. 's treated now were both single she! ) and Carrie ( Wendt ) fit into what you do came in to 54 get notified sales. In to hear about your problems 's not always that way all the. For me, they 'll find me and it will make for great radio ``. To never take that feeling for granted to him. the conservative values up, was hard. Home stretch of this thing, who was the day after he passed away all! That way insurance industry for over 15 years and have owned my agency with National. ( ) { googletag.display ( 'div-gpt-ad-1597166322662-mid-article-2 ' ) ; } ) ; bob & amp ; brian ; WKLH Submit. World Listen to the house? `` like, `` One more deal and we take! 'S Hot when he was just going to say whatever you want to write a with! Wife of mrpa member ; BRENDA GALEWSKI - February 12, 2020 age. Thought about that when we did n't stop to change his life, Paul Hogan and Gary Shandling all. Used to being treated the way that is how many people that you with... Listeners, they 'll find me and it will make for great radio ``. To steer bob and brian milwaukee retirement the road and not get killed: Women, too advantage in a Bucks uniform, I... People would bring it up, was it hard to keep your energy up stay... $ 70,000 or $ 80, 000 `` this is really the last of! Someplace, whether it was going to see all that money along and that.
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