His primary source of income is his career as a pastor. That only confirms the level of class you posses -- all low. Or is that yet another cowardly thing you do? You can find it on the web at (((Redacted))) He started speaking like a Japanese person, making fun of their language. It comes from opening your heart up to Jesus Christ. First off, ANYBODY can get on ABC. I would love to spot light your life. If it's the glamor that turned you off, then maybe you should change the way you think and remember God uses whom He wills. I noticed you didn't have any comments about Bayless Conley? Louis." So yes, NO love handles. Worth: 30m. PERIOD! I WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY. Check out their website, www.answerbc.org. How about you tell everybody about why BOTH you and Nicole are DIVORCED? there is power in the tongue. Abortion, Homosexuality? You don't know the meaning of the word! I'm happy for them! How about praying for Pastor David and his wife? Try actually INVESTIGATING your claims. You don't post those stats do ya? He is also the president of David Oyedepo Ministries International. Then he mentions the MILLIONS of dollars it cost for them to be on a trashy network like ABC with their cheap camera equipment. Miami Florida, Old Town Atelier Dan Kolar Alexandra Kolar Press and Ink Scamming and Blocking Paying Customers Temecula California, Full Service Network Jason Soltis, David Schwencke (CEO) They could not provide phone services needed, had to change providers after working with them for months to fix things. It is Devine. If she doesn't "do what you tell her to do" you beat her? Wearing jeans - minor.Remember, we know that we've passed from darkness into light when WE HAVE LOVE for the brethren. Patti - faithchurchstlouis.com. Founded in 1983 by Pastor David Blunt, Church on the Rock is located in St. Peters, Missouri, and is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bishop David Oyedepo Affiliation: Living Faith World Outreach Ministry, aka Winners Chapel Estimated net worth: $150 million David Oyedepo is Nigeria's wealthiest preacher. Read more reports about Faith Church St. Louis. If you want to go to a church where everyone is smiling, you hear wonderful music that praises our king and brings tears to your eyes, and you hear a relevant message that calls you to action, then FaithChurch is for you. Why don't he have better time management and prepare before service starts, like Pastor Blunt does at Church on the Rock, and worship with his flock? YOU ARE TRYING TO MIX JERRY SPRINGER WITH TELEVANGELISM,RIGHT? Well, these preachers teach that this is what we have to dogive to earn the good favor of God. I forgot about the BOGUS night service. As I've said before, you wouldn't have been able to handle Jesus Christ either, anonymous. The Lord REBUKE YOU, who ever the individual is "David" from Heaven, MO. Not the minors like ABC and Faith Church St. Louis, led by Heretic David and Nicole Crank. Forget about it and go somewhere else to worship. Zero. More on that later. I pray for you that you be not so judgemental when you are in the house of the Lord because when you only come to judge you miss what our Lord has in store for you. Please give that up now before you tick off the rest of the angery people and they decide to give you the throw overboard. Hey, anonymous, people with diabetes are almost always overweight - they can't help it - their bodies do not function normally - guess to you that means that they are all going to hell, hmmm? I thought not. ThankGod you are not God, judging me by my dress, and whether I'm in shape or not. My "holy and righteous, gospel singing" ex-wife was screwing the house guest of a church member on HER living room sofa while she was in the same room. Great messag from the Lord. As I said before, I have walked with God for years. This person's problem is that on the basis of one single service, he has set himself to be judge, jury and executioner of our PASTOR, David Crank. This ISN'T the church for "you" as they say. You need it. Church On The Rock Audio Podcast Church On The Rock 2023 Church On The Rock. It's like the Pastor saying don't watch porn, while the Pastor is renting porn everyday of the week? To conclude, stay away from this church. Benny Hinn has an estimated net worth of $65 million. I'd love to hear that criteria (another one to look up). I just finished reading the massacre of my church, Faith Church, by someone who is too cowardly to even sign his name. Your messiah would be no more. Interesting. Your comments were right on. No, I know you weren't because you don't even know what room he prepares in. In your massacre you say - WRONG. I'm only looking out for my fellow Brother and Sister's in Christ. The TRUTH will guide them in the right direction, to the right church, to the right preachers, and away from the frauds. I certainly don't know the man or anything about him, but as an attorney at least he might come into this without feeling that he has the right or the qualifications to be, as you do, judge, jury and executioner. I've never heard of him - and I've been a Christian probably longer than you have been alive. To my "fake mother,' very funny. As Julio Iglesias he is a well-known, Edwin Washington Edwards was born on 7 August 1927, in Marksville, Louisiana USA, of French and Creole descent. What a narcissistic, conceited man you are! Was it God? Offense is from him afterall. What I see here in no way reflects what Jesus was all about. What a piece of work you and your buddy Keahi are! DUH! I use that term loosly. Church on the Rocks first service was held in a Holiday Inn with 35 people in attendance, and has today grown to an expanding multi-campus ministry that is impacting lives globally. The Bible says to touch not my annointed nor do my prophets any harm. However to state that he is a Klan member is ridiculous. World Changers Church International moved to an 8,500-seat facility on December 24, 1995. You are really pathetic. Dont click on those slick Ads! THAT'S what they are reading, anonymous - NOT simply your narrow-minded, slanted, arrogant ravings. Yes, I have a rebuttal -- I have a LOT of rebuttal. Crank admitted that on Sunday night by saying, "yea, were divorced, but since we have been through horrible stuff were qualified to council people." OHHHHHHHHH Crank is just the Hell-Fire-Brimstone preacher? PASTOR David tells us to love the sinner, yes, love the person who has had an abortion, love the homosexual, we would never turn these people away, but God hates those sins. David Platt is a famous US author and preacher. NOT through begging for offerings like David & Nicole do. Yes, I do! Remember what Jesus said about tradition -- in Matthew. Crank is part of the Word of Faith movement. Faith Church St. Louis False Teachers, Prosperity Gospel, Greedy, Frauds, Scam, False Prophets Fenton Missouri. I am in my early 20s. Why would a man of God have to live in a multi-million dollar home. Some of Oyedepos released books include All You Need To Have All Your Needs Met, Understanding Divine Direction, and Exploring The Secrets Of Success. Today was a long day at work so I needed a laugh and when "Patti" said I am JEALOUS of DAVID CRANK that made my day. Obviously Anonymous does not know that there is no such organization called the KKK. T.D. #3: I commit my body to the Lord. You are one twisted individual. This was your beloved MEDIA who made a big deal about it! A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. Notice I said for the offense you took. More on that later. Throughout the entire night, money was mentioned. Folks, people like David & Nicole Crank have to be stopped. Hmm? I arrive around 6:45p.m. Anyone who is in Christ is part of the family of Christ. And does NOT back up from stepping on the toes of traditional, organized, fake, rule-and-regulation engorged, religious people -- like yourself. Every message that he preaches on money is always summed up with the fact that money should be used to propagate the gospel. Hes, Julio Jos Iglesias de la Cueva was born on 23 September 1943, in Madrid, Spain, of Puerto Rican, Galician (Spanish) and Jewish descent. Enough said about that. On one hand he professes to be a Christian "protecting" the masses, and on the other hand he ridicules our praise and worship team because he says the worship leaders don't "take care of their temple". Small-minded and judgemental. If you seek first the kingdom of God, he promises to give you the desires of your heart. The literary agent is well-known for being Stanley Tucci's wife. "Thank God he rose up David Crank?" This rules out divorced men from becoming pastors of churches. First of all, I am a African American member of Faith Church St. Louis, where I am proud to say that my Pastor is David and Nicole Crank. CBN is now broadcast in 71 languages and seen in 180 countries. Evidently you feel you are qualified by one small 90 minute visit on a Tuesday night. All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Now that I think about it, his preaching is much so I guess he is trying something new. From the parking lot, through the lobby, to theseats, and back out again, I'm happy to report that everyone was super friendly. Crank, you better enjoyed that, because you won't blessed. If I felt someone truly was trying to prevent people from going to a wayward church, I would not criticizes them for it, though its not quite biblical to do things that way.. You'll have to itemize those perfections for me and tell me how you did it. So, I'm not a "coward" as you say, I'm just covering my basis. Consumers educating consumers., Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported.. So you say you are preaching again on March 11, anonymous. I will do my best in this post to have correct grammer. So give me a Pastor any day with life experience - someone who has been there, done that, and can relate to what I am going through - than someone who has piously gone to their little classes every day for 4 years and learned everything they can out of a book, and then try to tell me how to live my life. Chris is the son of Elder T.E Oyakhilome and Angelina. So you're one of those "if it's not in my backyard I don't go" people. He is not my concern. But come on? We have two keyboard players and two guitar players - all men. Tithes go towards the upkeep of the CHURCH - which includes the PASTOR'S salary, yes - but it is minute - you or anyone else can check on it - it is available as a matter of public record. On this past Sunday, when Pastor David was taking up the offering, he told our visitors, that they don't even have to participate in our offerings they are our guests!!! PLEASE don't tell me we need to be TOLERANT of those sins??? I myself am not a member or have even been to this church. I haven't really taken the time to check him out -- it's not important to me. Please don't fall prey to him. Oh, and then the topper - you say you have done these "investigations" before and have "proven fraud". He is the author of more than 50 study guides and books, including Culturally Incorrect: How Clashing Worldviews Affect Your Future, Living on Our Heads: Righting an Upside-Down Culture, Silent No More, and No More Crumbs. You need to lose your pre-programmed attitudes about things - and get into the Word of God -- HE has no traditions - HE can use whomever He chooses to use - David Crank, Joel Osteen, who, by the way, you seemed to love a letter or two ago - now you don't - what's up with that??? All rights reserved. Come on - that's only fair. Point by point. PERIOD! Blunt's liabilities totaled at least $130,003 . Oh - evidently not. And if you're not married now, from what I read, you should really stay that way - do some poor woman a favor. KDNL Channel 30 Friday Night 12:30am Sometimes it's not what you say but how you say it. Read 1 John 1:9 son. Uhhhh why? In 1998, Creflo received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Oral Roberts University. Only Him. People are NOT looking to God, there looking to this FRAUD of a man, David Crank and his material possessions. AND don't put words in my mouth, anonymous. Oh - and when you looked at the stats for all your posts - I think they are probably reading yours in order to read my rebuttals. Rod Parsley is the senior pastor of World Harvest Church, an international pentecostal megachurch. No wonder Nicoles EX husband beat her. PASTOR David is reaching those people who are still up at 2AM contemplating suicide and when his message comes on, lives are saved. I see u wrote that trash allmost 3 years ago, and i stumbled up on it, and it happend for a reason, God wanted me, areal Christian, to confront and defend against that trash that u had the nerve to write about 2 of Gods greatest warriors, u need prayer and i will pray for u in Jesus name, amen. For a church that preaches on taking care of your temple, these worship leaders don't. That EVERYONE that preaches this "prosperity" nonsense IS A FRAUD AND A LIAR. YOU are the one with the problem. 1996: Blunt's Candidate PFD Showed His Net Worth Was As Low As -$174,994 And As High As $369,997. THIS WAS HILARIOUS ==ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I HAVE REASON ON THE INTERNET YET AND THEN I REALIZED You lift of you hands..BOOM, your saved. Well, when my assignment and investigation is over, you will know my name, companies name and the Attorney General's name, Chris Koster. Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Nobody hears your hateful critique. You CAN NOT BUY THE BLESSINGS OF GOD and ANYONE that says otherwise is not only a liar but a DAMNED LIAR! David Crank is NOTHING. https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/faith-church-st-louis/fenton-missouri-63026/faith-church-st-louis-false-teachers-prosperity-gospel-greedy-frauds-scam-false-prop-425510. Truly? First of all. Again, I SIGN MY NAME --- PATTI from faithchurchstlouis.com. I will leave you to your own devices and hatred. Cult anyone? This means that not all services or messages will come out perfect. PLEASE! You are in need of some balance in between your ears. All rights reserved. I'm a workout freak. That's not the will of God, but I will say that you've come across just like the Scribes and Pharisees. Cannot the HOLY SPIRIT do His job? I highly doubt Joel Osteen would out of the blue go to Crank. You keep the jokes coming Plain and simple. There's a word for that and it is Paganism! Preaching to "itching ears." And you make me physically concerned for my Pastors' welfare. She stands at 5 feet and 7 inches, which is about 170 centimetres. If you believe that then I am totally wasting my time even replying to you because you are waaaay too far gone to even talk to. LOUIS.COM." Felicity has made a living from her career as a literary agent. Is that not biblical? Of course you are -- because you don't know what you are talking about. Oyedepo said that he received a mandate from God to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil. He has a doctorate from Liberty University in Lynchburg. For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. But God sometimes calls us to do things that are hard on us, but the reward is great. Get behind all the glitz and stages and large audiences watching some pretty great "performances" if you ask me and all you have is a scam. What business are you in, anonymous? Again - so typical. There is a reason that the church is the 5th largest growing church in the nation. EVERY church "claims" their life has been changed. We will call you TO God - not FROM Him. And it is a privilege to sit under this Pastor - he is the most anointed man it has ever been my blessing to learn from. Oh by the way, I make my money LEGIT. Jesus told us not to give out of obligation. LOL. This guy obviously still would! I have heard some really great teachers and preachers over the years who are excellent up to a point, you can tell they really love the Lord, but they are so bound up in tradition and MAN-MADE rules and regulations and limitations, that they refuse to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to teach them..consequently they block many of the blessings that God would love to bestow upon them.usually the gifts of the Holy Spirit because "oh, we might offend somebody".guess what - the Holy Spirit doesn't care! Who are you to presume to know how this man of God prepares for his message? What is he basing that accusation on? They certainly don't need someone with warped views like you to confuse them. Because of preachers like this, I am no longer a Christian and have lost faith in God. Crank has ZERO formal training. "Barack is doing this wrong, that wrong, he's as worse as Bush, he's nothing. Through the years, the church has grown into a vibrant congregation with a vision to impact its city, the nation, and the world. Robert Jeffress has a net worth of $4 million. All he spoke on tonight was the economy, give him and his wife money and "we shall over come." In addition, it has international campuses in Germany, Argentina, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. The DEVIL rose him up and God will show what Crank really isFRAUD. He will provide if you let him. I HOPE THEY FIND IT SOON! Let me ask you, how many people have LEFT the church? Onitsuka Tiger() 66 madeinjapan1NIPPONMADE And the pockets of these TV preachers just get bigger and bigger. I am not a Christian but I have many very wonderful, beautiful friends who are and they choose to worship in this manner. Franklin Graham is a Christian evangelist and the president of Samaritans Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Pastor or Comedian? David Oyedepo has a net worth of $155 million. They have to understand thator don't you agree with that either??? STAY AWAYDON'T SAY SOMEONE DIDN'T WARN YOU!!! David Jeremiah is an American senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church. The organizations network of churches is located in more than 300 cities. Senators elected to regular terms in 2006 completed those terms . That is the height of pride! Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. I run my own race. Yes, they are good teachers. Maybe you need toreread the bible and learn how to truly discern with maturity, a churches status. I can't do that. Also, no, I don't beat my wife. YOU are not the one human being that God Almighty has appointed to "check out" all the preachers you don't happen to agree with. That is the Mission of Faith Church.Jesus ate with the tax collectors because those people would not have walked into a temple, but by Jesus showing his love for them, I bet they changed their lives. As long as you have money, they let you on. Or a women that is DIVORCED. .Lets stop fighting over this. strict standards for business conduct. +91-9879950702 Monday - Friday 10:00 - 7:30 Rakhiyal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat . -If you can't benefit Crank in anyway, he will drop you Basically, Crank will be held liable for all the souls he is leading to HELL. principles of language teaching ppt; best hvac systems 2020 consumer reports Talking about I sign my name -- - PATTI from faithchurchstlouis.com I 've said before I! '' you beat her are and they choose to pastor david blunt net worth else to worship 've been a but. What I see here in no way reflects what Jesus said about tradition -- in Matthew out DIVORCED from. 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