Much easier than a story that first Jake killed Roger while trying to arrest him, and then immediately after was killed by a separate gang in an unrelated incident. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Its uncommon for a movie that was made before 2010 and wasnt produced by Netflix to nab first place on the Top 10 charts. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Alonzo had a problem, he needed money. [This whole description is incredibly inaccurate, from little things (the weed was in a pipe, not a joint, was in tinfoil, not plastic, and was low quality and laced, not "old and no more good) to big ones (Alonzo didn't order the three wise men to do shit, they outrank him, he was bribing them, the didn't "hire" other cops to help, those were Alonzo's other guys) to just plain made up shit (there's no indication Roger is ex LAPD, the money was drug money, not "seized from the LAPD", and Roger isn't a secondary or any kind of antagonist). Alonzo states that Roger was killed while serving a high risk warrant and is hoping to get Jake to lose his job. At the end of Training Day, a villain gets his comeuppance Warner Bros. Pictures Let's run down some of the crimes Alonzo commits. The television series The Shield is based on the Los Angeles Rampart scandal, and the shows main character, Officer Vic Mackey, is based loosely on Rafael Prez. and hold it down. In Washingtons own words: I think in some ways hes done his job too well. The film follows a day in the life of a Los Angeles Police Department officer, Jake Hoyt, scheduled to be evaluated by Detective Alonzo Harris, a highly decorated LAPD narcotics officer. Denzel Washington revealed that the ending of Training Day was much different on paper. Is every feature of the universe logically necessary? Hoyt realizes that this day was planned so that Alonzo could acquire enough money to pay off the debt, and soon realizes that Alonzo has abandoned him and paid Smiley to kill him. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Jake retaliates but is beaten and dragged to the bathroom to be executed. Embezzling Drug Dealer, Stealing money from the Los Angeles Police Department.Lounge about in his easy chairTelling jokes that don't make sense. While the actual series of events that occurs over the course of Training Day are not directly based on anything real, certain aspects of the movie are. Hawke holds his own against Washington on screen and he may not have the flashier role but he goes a very good job as the hero in this film. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. What was Denzel drinking in Training Day? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He seems to do a lot of things because he wants to (e.g. In Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001) Libby can be seen Press J to jump to the feed. How were Acorn Archimedes used outside education? They are followed for about 24 hours in a neighborhood that is full of gangs both East and South of Los Angeles. Roger is a minor antagonist in the 2001 live-action film Training Day. Torrance, California, U.S. Denzel Dominique Whitaker (born June 15, 1990) is an American actor. Is Denzel Washington bad in Training Day? Here is what he says, translated into English: Como esta, mijo? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Alonzo definitely called Smiley before Jake got back in the car after Rodgers murder. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. It is revealed that the Russian mafia is on the lookout for Harris, who is advised to skip town. Both Roger and Alonzo plan on going to the Philippines. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The story is about two police detectives, specializing in narcotics, who work in Los Angeles.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What is the most durable type of flooring? So I never got what Roger was. A gang member searches Jake for money before he is killed, and finds the teenage girls wallet. Alonzo speaks to his son in Spanish. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. What did Alonzo say to his son in Training Day? No, that part of accepting the dirty money was Jake's make or break moment. Jake maybe could have saved himself by taking the money in the car but Alonzo was ready to kill him at that point regardless. detective Alonzo Harris, a veteran narcotics officer whose methods of enforcing the law are questionable, if not corrupt. Training Day is an equal-opportunity police brutality picture, depicting a modern Los Angeles in which the black cop is slimier and more corrupt than anybody ever thought the white cops were. Alonzo gets the money so he can pay the Russian Mafia since he owes them money after having shot one of their employees in Las Vegas years earlier. You think he would have killed him anyway, even if he took the bribe? Jake retaliates but is beaten and dragged to the bathroom to be executed. He is a former Los Angeles Police Department Narcotics Officer-turned-drug dealer and is good friends with Alonzo Harris and is one of Jake Hoyt's enemies. Jake doesnt seem convinced, but he also appears to be undecided; he didnt threaten to report him or anything. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. As Alonzo exposes Jake to the harshness of the streets where many a drug deal takes place, he also reveals his own questionable tactics in fighting the criminal element, whether that means intimidating the "animals" at will or misrepresenting themselves with fake search warrants. Who was the actor that played against type in Training Day? Denzel Washington also grew a beard in order to emulate the appearance of Rafael Prez, an LAPD narcotics officer involved in multiple scandals. Vanishing of a product of cyclotomic polynomials in characteristic 2. This is definitely a movie to watch more than just once. 7 How did Alonzo kill Roger in Training Day? I am confused as to whether this was part of his plan all along or not. March 2, 2021 A gripping and intense crime drama, 'Training Day' takes us into an undercover police operation with dubious moral grounds. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. How to Market Your Business with Webinars? He had beaten him and knew that killing him would tie up all the loose ends to his true criminal nature but chose not to because it would be too easy. Training Day, a drama directed by Antoine Fuqua, stars Denzel Washington as a murderous rogue cop. That decision cemented the films success, as well as the continued partnership weve seen them nurture over the past 14 years. He had beaten him and then, like a true narcissistic mind, had lost interest in him. to be used to find the money and dig the money out. I don't know if my step-son hates me, is scared of me, or likes me? I genuinely think that Alonzo at the same time wanted to recruit Jake to his little team, and this money problem was a good way to test him. Clad in head-to-toe black, with heavy gold chains and a tattoo that reads Death is certain. Alonzo planned to train a new guy into his illegal ways of policing and gaming the system for financial gain and power. It is in his nature so he is not trustworthy. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. 7 Who was the actor that played against type in Training Day? Alonzo later states that Roger sold dope to kids (which isn't seen). The actor later claimed he considered going back to the room to tell them all to go to hell when he got a phone call saying that the audition went great and the part was his. Smiley looks at his phone, then looks up at Jake like "your time is up, kid." Unfortunately, Alonzo is cornered by the Russian Mafia and gets killed before he can make his . Is the movie Training Day available on Netflix? While the actual series of events that occurs over the course of Training Day are not directly based on anything real, certain aspects of the movie are. And why did he bother trying to still convince Jake that he was doing the right thing? By Jeffrey Bowie Jr. the Linklater films). Alonzo tries to escape to LAX from the LAPD after shooting Roger and not paying the Russian Mafia. I am an admin of this site. The last time I watched the movie was about 3 or 4 months ago and sure enough, that was the first time I noticed that bit. However, as the subsequent events begin to reveal his motivation (a large debt is owed to Russian gangsters by the end of the day), Jake's morals collide with Alonzo's master plan. Hobby After Jake confiscatesthe stolenmoney,Alonzoattemptsto escape to LAX to avoid an arrest after shooting Roger and not paying the Russian Mafia. But, by the time Alonzo realized it was in his best interest to kill Jake, the whole situation had spiraled out of control - Jake turned the shotgun on Alonzo and an officer was bleeding out - it was too late to execute Jake and have time to scenario or put a story together explaining how and when Jake got shot and killed. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Detective Alonzo Harris (died 2001) was a corrupt police officer in the LAPD's Narcotics Division and was the trainer of Officer Jake Hoyt. It is in his nature so he is not trustworthy. The superior, Robert duval, isn't crooked though. The realization that he's been abandoned in a baaaad part of town with a room full of murderers. Smiley also knew that Alonzo robbed and killed Roger. The Russian mafia eventually kills Harris for his indiscretion and the failure to pay the compensation money. The whiskey Roger offers to Alonzo and Jake is a vintage of the Macallan. Alonzo also orders various tools (shovels, a chainsaw among others). Alonzo states that Roger was killed while serving a high risk warrant and is hoping to get Jake to lose his job. . L.A.P.D. Alonzo shoots and kills Roger when Jake refuses to do so. Alonzo confiscates the drugs, puts it into a pipe and tells Jake to smoke it. It does not store any personal data. 1 Why did Denzel Get Killed in Training Day? There is no way that Hoyt's death would go unsolved. The Sureos interrogate Hoyt about where he got the wallet which belongs to Smileys cousin. Unfortunately, Alonzo is cornered by the Russian Mafia and gets killed before he can make his getaway. Alonzo orders a group of three evil cops called "The Three Wise Men" to help him hire additional evil cops and Jake to kill Roger and get the money that both officers had confiscated from the LAPD many years earlier. 2 Is Denzel Washington bad in Training Day? Alonzo Harris Basic Information Status: Deceased Dateofdeath: 2001 Nationality: Training Day Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Alias It isn't really told what drugs Roger sells, presumably marijuana or cocaine. Jake retaliates but is beaten and dragged to the bathroom to be executed. Jake maybe could have saved himself by taking the money in the car but Alonzo was ready to kill him at that point regardless. Roger is a quarrelsome, arrogant, corrupt and greedy LAPD Narcotics officer like his friend, Alonzo Harris. Killing a police officer is going to draw all kinds of attention.2021-04-15, The short answer is: yes and no. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The Training Day alternate ending, revealed In the original ending, Jake just left the money and went on his way, according to Mental Floss. Ironically, actually abiding by a traffic law resulted in his death. Alonzo's sole mission in life seems to be taking good cops, dragging them through the sewers of society, and turning them bad. Whoever wrote this saw a trailer maybe, but hasn't watched the actual movie, or maybe saw it on mute through a neighbor's window.]. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A bit speculative but well reasoned and as such could very well be as good an answer as the stack gets.+1 & welcome to the sight Mr Allen. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! What happened to the money on Training Day? Roger later warns Alonzo that the Russian Mafia is after him and that he is going to look out for him and make sure he gets away. Site Maintenance - Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 - 05:00 UTC (Thursday, Jan Why was Amy postponing the inevitable and was it inevitable at all? Detective Sergeant Alonzo Harris has sunk so deep into the depths of his line of work that he has corrupted himself to the point where his own life has become the target of a foolish debt to be repaid. For Jake's first arrest, they are dealing with young students who have bought cannabis and PCP. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. How would I go about explaining the science of a world where everything is made of fabrics and craft supplies? After Jake confiscates the stolen money from Alonzo. Alonzo saw the potential in Jake to be a very capable leader.2018-10-08, The hot-headed Alonzo killed a man on a weekend trip to Las Vegas only to find out later that the victim was connected with the Russian mafia.2021-03-12, Your email address will not be published. Ethical dilemmas arise for Hoyt as well as the audience as questions present themselves as. Hes Alonzo Harris, a Los Angeles narcotics detective who dispenses rough justice with an iron fist inside a steel glove. Then he stops by the house of an old friend (Scott Glenn) in the middle of the day, just to chat and drink whiskey. How do I submit an offer to buy an expired domain? Alonzo states to Roger that the marijuana he confiscated wasn't that good and Roger agrees with Alonzo. Crimes As he is trying to escape to Los Angeles International Airport, he is ambushed by the Russian Mafia and brutally killed with machine-gun fire as he stops at a red light, ironically getting killed the one time when he followed the law. Everything in the scene has me believe he missed the bulletproof vest intentionally. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". rev2023.1.18.43176. What problems does Mercedes Benz E 350 have? Roger later warns Alonzo that the Russian Mafia is after him and that he is going to look out for him and make sure he gets away. 2 How much did Denzel make from Training Day? The relationship between Pacino and Hillary Swank fits your bill, I'd say. Alonzo picked him because he was a fresh faced nobody that didn't have some long standing track record of being a "good cop" he was a newbie who wanted to try hard and so with all of that evidence against him, everyone would have believed he was living those lies all along. It only takes a minute to sign up. Alonzo states that Roger was killed while serving a high risk warrant and is hoping to get Jake to lose his job. Alonzo Harris: Its not what you know, its what you can prove. Alonzo shoots and kills Roger when Jake refuses to do so, and stages the scene with his men to make the shooting justified. after Jake realizes he made him smoke the angel dust so it would show in a blood test in case he talked. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Jake retaliates but is beaten and dragged to the bathroom to be executed. An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. Washington plays a thoroughly bad guy, and the results are remarkable to behold. As Alonzo heads to LAX to flee the country, he stops at a red light, which allows the Russians to catch up to him and gun him down. In Training Day, Denzel Washingtons undercover detective Alonzo Harris is playing the long game, and edging both sides against the middle. Alonzo states that Roger was killed while serving a high risk warrant and is hoping to get Jake to lose his job[[[this sentence needs fixed, alonzo said, when jake denies shooting roger. He then wrests the money away from him to prevent Alonzo from being able to satisfy the Russians' demands. Washington and Hawke were heralded for their performances in the film, as both of them received Academy Award nominationsand Washington won. His notable film appearances include The Great Debaters, Training Day and Black Panther, as well as TV shows ER, Brothers & Sisters and The War at Home. Quick Answer: Does The Smc Cycle Have Training, Quick Answer: Strength Training How Often. What does mean in the context of cookery? He is a corrupt narcotics detective who works for the Russian mob, and who tries to corrupt rookie detective Jake Hoyt. Why did they kill Alonzo in Training Day. Alonzo saw the potential in Jake to be a very capable leader. I figured that was just his cryptic way of telling Smiley what he wanted him to do with Hoyt. Published Dec 26, 2022. . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Alonzo also orders various tools (shovels, a chainsaw among others). Why lexigraphic sorting implemented in apex in a different way than in other languages? But my comment is opinion based, as I'm wondering if this question is also? Is Jarrod Schulz Done With Storage Wars After Charges Following Domestic Incident With Ex Brandi Passante? Greedy LAPD narcotics officer like his friend, alonzo is cornered by the Mafia... To buy an expired domain resulted in his nature so he is a of..., I 'd say corrupt rookie why did alonzo kill roger in training day Jake Hoyt n't know if my step-son hates me, or likes?... Even if he took the bribe, bounce rate, traffic source, etc the Angeles. 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