Theyre the trendsetters and trendspotters, the ones who get the party started and the crowd hyped. INTPs dislike when ENTJs get so confident in their ideas that they cannot see their pitfalls and biases. And he had wasted a great deal of my effort to correct the wrong judgment he had. Myers-Briggs and MBTI are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. It doesn't apply to ENTJ's. I thought it was the ENFJ's that were the ideal match. If replying means I have to make a decision or commitment, I prefer to sleep on it. Sorry CAN be a hard thing to say but ONLY to those who are untrained in emotional intelligence. No one personality is better than the other. Under stress, it's common for an ENTJ to crash into his or her 'shadow' personality. One clear common ground between ENTJs and INTPs is their shared boredom when it comes to routine. Sexuality fascinates INTPs in a similar way to music.[] Anyway, stop negatively perceiving personalities. As one who has long been aware of my ENTJ pros and cons, for me it is all one big cost-benefit analysis. To claim you can handle your own personal growth is just silly. Its hard for INTPs to connect with ENTJs, but their relationship is pure gold when they do. The INFJ is dominantly a Feeler and they can . Are you curious to know more about how these two personality types match together? With her dominant and determined nature, she pulls me down and this makes me an unhealthy INFP. Guess Ihave a type;unfortunately, that type tends not to like men. I think out loud a lot, and will come up with the craziest, not-very-intelligent hypotheticals and ideas. Whatva relief.idgaf who hates melol im a true ENTJ ARIEShated by all women and I'm happy to Intimidate and Intrigue. I have read that they are ideal for each other. because one's extroverted thinking and the other is introverted thinking. You should respect other people's thoughts and consider everything they said because you can't be your own mirror. We make up just only onepercent of the woman population. Social interactions and overstimulation can cause them to become highly overwhelmed. He is a patince personality. The thing about what people do when they feel hate is not look at themselves. This highly logical and decisive type will suddenly get so insecure, anxious and defensive that he won't know what to do with himself. . Im an extrovert but rarely share my situations or emotions with people. but I am a very emotional person. Drop that too high god impersonation and start listening to your workers/students/fellows instead! The answer goes much deeper than their difference in intuition. Your everyday ENTJ does have an extrinsic locus of control. 2. You will always wrong for them, and they will always wrong for you. He will not get jealous or insecure. I am a very kind loving person but people sometimes refuse to see that becaue they they are stupid and insecure. ENTJs can steamroll someone if they're not careful. They love adventure and excitement. It's really harmful that a lot of these articles fail to mention that many of these "truths" hold true only for ENTJ's with poorly developed Extraverted Feeling (Fe); in those that have taken the time to do the workI can proudly say I haveI am offended that these stereotypes seem to say "f ck all the work you've done upon yourself". I am a great friend of my dad, who is an ENTJ and my cousin, who is possibly my best friend is ENTJ. I too am an ENTJ female, aries. I'm NOT impulsive, that would be foolish. I don't think I have seen other Cancers on here as ENTJs. Cancer is one of the Cardinal signs check out this description that does sound pretty ENTJish :), Cardinal Signs Now I am aware of my innate problems. They don't need to know, that we see the big picture. And, at 53% Introverted, 47% Extraverted, my own personality is running dangerously close to the ENTJ cliff edge. No matter how many facts you throw at them, its tough for ENTJs to change their mind. I am a female INFJ and my husband is ENTJ. INTPs appreciate ENTJs ability to not get offended. Spammers will be fried and served on toast. I base my decisions on thought and statistics/data. in an intimate relationship, the extraverted nature of the feeling judgement leads to a beneficial openness and empathic directness in responding to the partner's needs. I have one that I love and am unapologetic about. . 100% agree. 7- Yes! I'm an ENTJ Aries 8w7. INTPs appreciate ENTJs precision and logical reasoning. Theyreincredibly self-willedpeople, but they do know we cant always keep to ourselves and get things done, and they know how to exert themselves in a context, even if theyre not doing so in another context. It sucks, women especially hate me. me too!!!! INTPs are incredibly different in this regard. Saem with my family, friends etc. The worst thing that can happen, is being wrong and deciding based on wrong thoughts. I am a gemini (saggi moon) ENTJ. So Im double weird for a lot of people. I love ENTJs, don't really have time to analyze why right now though..I'll come back to this post tomorrow and edit in why. 8sx. But who cares? They see the logic in telling the truth and can trust others easily. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ENTJs belong to one of the two top-earning personality types are known for being bold and decisive. INTPs appreciate ENTJs ability to lead and get things done. INFJs can be self-centered because they use it as protection to shield themselves from pain and disappointment. It is said that intuitive pereceivers have a turbulent/dreamy/dissociative type of gaze that's suggesitive of their scatterbrain naivete and lack of discipline, whilst intuitive judgers have a hardened gaze that's indicative of their maturity, exposure to hardship, and their capacity to overcome obstacles. This article came up when I googled why do people hate ENTJ? Im female and an Aquarius. Instead, they crave space in their relationship. I knew that I deserve special kind of woman. AGREE 100%. INTP. Thanks for the complement. Although a well-developed ENTJ can enjoy a healthy relationship with any type, it is generally thought that they are most compatible with ISTP and INTP. I'm an ENTJ. Come join the discussion about health, behavior, care, testing, personality types, and more! This is so true. Tarot, more so. Note: I giggle when one must click the CAPTCHA check box below to affirm "I am no a robot." Jealousy is what motivates them but thats fine to some level, but they dont feel good about themselves until they proven to everyone that they are better than them!! 2. Because their TE is not regarded as much as the ENTJ supreme boss ego. You must bow down to me because of that and no complaining. Strengths of the INTP and ENTJ Relationship 1. Often, when an INTP . Both personalities are ambitious and willing to challenge the status quo. The INTP is excellent at reminding ENTJs of their biases and potential holes in their ideas. It is interesting to see that this is a common thing for ENTJs. What You Must KnowContinue. I own my personality especially because it is so rare. I can generally describe the relationship with the top 3. ~Me. I also know that just by saying that, I'm technically, "Too full of myself" and that I should lose my big head. Something not a lot of ENTJs need help with, I would imagine :p. In Aristotle, there's links between God as the "Unmoved Mover," and astrology, with the planets mediating God's "motions" down to Earth. And Whitney, you are disturbingly accurate. So - one of the 1% of females here who is an ENTJ-T and I'm not sure if maybe gender or indivuduality (or a combo of both) has a role to play in what I'm about to say or what BUT I do find fault with some of these observations: 1. Who cares what people think. What I'm getting at is that you shouldn't hide your personality type because other people don't like it. - Benjamin Franklin. In normal circumstances, I will probably ignore the commands as an INTP. I very much value the work he puts in and sometimes his sociable attitude but I am glad there are not more. Like how i couldn't have emotional support from her when i need it most so i try to find another way, but she doesn't like it when i spend more time to seek comfort from my closefriends or even my beloved cousins cause she has this thought that i was just spend my time to play aroundhaving fun like a child that she can't control (even seen as rebellious from her point of view) and she always freaked out because of that. Hey any ENTJ Pisces woman want to converse with an INTP Scorpio. This highlights a potential communication difficulty between INTP and ENTJ. No surprise, I'm the only woman on my team. Be you!! Your diplomacy is really an offsetting excuse and a refusal to admit you're a shit person. Please be courteous. They are very dominant in bed. INTPs often debunk ENTJs theories and concepts with millions of questions and troubleshooting the process, which often leads to misunderstandings in their relationship. He believes strongly in the importance of self-care, good friendships, and humor whenever possible. I haven't met a ENTJ so closely, but I believe my philosophy teacher is one. Their focus may often cause them to have a more severe and stern outward appearance. Similar to why people don't like ESTJs. 2- the thing with relaxing and lightening up is not really natural for me, even ifi do relax physically my brain never stops, I'm an over thinker and sometimes I have to release those thoughts outside in order to check their validity and fulfill to answering them efficiently. True leaders say sorry. I'm an ENTJ and a scorpio. Any other ENTJ's feel like everyone is a soul less zombie while you're grocery shopping? Every single woman in the world, no matter the culture and background, will be drawn to ENTJ types. no, none of us can relate [] I'm quite interested and attracted to the idea of an ENTJ. All the weaknesses you have described above i truely related to all of them, but my test results shows I'm an entp! I am a pisces with leo moon and capricorn rising and I grew up thinking I was a dark person and nobody understood my jokes so I tried to not make any and loved criminal movies and I never tried to discuss with ppl especially if they cannot understand my taste and starts an argument about it, I really don't fit into very friendly individual now but I used to be a people pleaser until I relised some ppl are not worth the help and some refuse to change. You were in all honesty just another woman an ENTJ found a liking. So - I dont fully buy into that aspect. He also didn't invent the idea of temperaments. JavaScript is disabled. This point relates closely to the idea of emotion. What we're saying here is that an ENTJ functions best with a wing (wo)man. INTPs also admire ENTJs insight and the ability to actually do something about their shared ideas. absolutely the same thing. Consedring that we have the biggest balls ever, emotions and charm is left for the rest of the population. Why are INTJs expected to fix everything about themselves, but ENTJs can be themselves? This is funny, fires signs and ENTJ. Maybe could add: had trouble sleeping, as I think a lot about how to improve things, are you guys also have insomnia? But now I don't really care what people think of me. I haver never ever cared how ugly or raw the truth is, just share the truth as that's all we have as a tool from which to make the next step. As an ENTJ, I feel like you stated whatI wish everyone knew about me. I do believe depression and peer pressure can dissolve someones personality type. All tools were created by people and therefore subject to innacuracy. I can't help but "think" emotions rather than feel them. I also can't relate to most people unless they're an NT type, which is my significant other. I a female ENTJ (pisces) also. At the beginning I was highly motivated, but now not anymore. Have a great rest of your day! I do believe that it makes my "bedside manner" very empathic. If the INTPs concerns were justified and the fastest way to fix it and finish the project is to start over, that's the direction the ENTJ will go. I would NEVER tell someone to "stop thinking." INTPs and ENTJs make a fantastic team. ENTPs show their goofy and lighthearted sides to the world. Are ISTP and INTP similar? Similarly, they have long-term goals that they strive toward by using their problem-solving skills and natural motivation. This makes them quick to argue when the other person does not share the same viewpoint or easily offends the ISTP. Copyright 2021, Truity. You commented that almost 4 years ago! I too am an ENTJ and an Aries. Since you cannot meet their needs it turns into hate. Works better with a geocentric model, but oh well. The guys have done nothing to tryand suppress me, they see me as an equal. ENFJ with ENTJ mom here, i'm trying to figure out ENTJ traits and how 'they work' more in depths since i've been dealing with unpleasant things (my mom's behaviour) for so many times. This may cause a clash between these personality types and can make it difficult for these individuals to work together toward a goal. I try hard to stay up-to-date with the current liberal trend in how to talk to millennials without making them cry (circles back to whining and disrespect), but in the end, I really need stronger personalities on the team. Jayne is a B2B tech copywriter and the editorial director here at Truity. Freud is 80% fraud, all except the E for Ego, (psychologists) is the R for Relationship, "Lor and NoI are my heroes and I would do anything for them! But as much as I like ENTJs, I couldn't eat a whole one . Nothing else. muahaha. I used to learn all these talents that people had in order to fit in.. random things.. all my life.. guitar, singing, learning Japenese, running, drawing, photography, violin.. fucking anything. #9 There is a distinction between quickly acting strategically and being impulsive. They are assertive and enjoy taking charge in most situations. INTPs lead with Introverted Thinking - a function that seeks to verify, rationalize and understand its environment without bias. Again. Everything else pales in comparison. This is an attitude. Sigh. You must log in or register to reply here. For instance, if you get an MSc in Physics, you'll be like 'STEM is the way to go. Read More Can INFJs Be Self-Centered And Evil?Continue. All comments are moderated. Although they generally keep to themselves, INFPs may prefer to be alone to foster their creativity and imagination. In Elizabeth Zott they'll find a kindred spirit of sorts. What purpose is there for having a relationship if you are not benefiting from their insight into your self? My husband is a ENFP, although he adores and admires my strength, most of our couple friends clearly love him more. If anything I tend to think SO FAR in advence all I have time to do IS ruminate on every little aspect of what I am trying to do. While admirable in a crisis, this take-charge attitude can come across as controlling, unyielding, and irritatingly opinionated. 8-when expressing my feelings, they are misinterpreted, and most of the time misinterpreted as anger, my emotions run deep and often times but things run deep and often times my anger is my weakness, if im sad usually i close mysf of to just contemplate and find a solution, if I don't find a solution I really get out of my element and feel lost 9-acting before thinking has been an issue growing up, but hey I'm a gambler and I want to see results as soon as possible. The cognitive features go well with each other. I'm factoring in the opportunity cost of time. INTPs often wear their heart on their sleeve. I expect everyone to acknowledge mistakes- I hold myself to that same standard. Read More Can ESFJs Be Musicians And Artists?Continue. Are ENTJs Good In Bed? INTPs are Thinkers and as such their Feeling function is quite weak. Read More INTPs Are Not Lazy. Intense with a second layer or intenseness. You are women, thats the only reason. These personalities value absolute honesty as they work their own no-holds-barred track through life - it takes a lot of effort for them to communicate tactfully and with charm. Snakes are deaf but can feel vibrations. However, it is nice that we can have a community of ENTJs where yall will understand our way of thinking and lifestyle! It's sad to see so many accounts of woman being too scared to be extroverted. Sophia"Get it Girl!!!!!" 6- Not sure if we mean the same thing, but I've found that "my way" could occasionally be difficult for people even though if it's the most efficient route. Theyll become arch-nemesis. Being a girl in a male dominated academic school track is hard in the first place but honestly I love the challenge and knowing I'll come out on top is a fantastic feeling. Shared Love Languages. I will say that the insecurity and jealousy is on the nose. The "soulless soul" made me cackle but you are so correct!!! You need to start your own business, or you will never realize your trueself, or potential. Dear women, stop finding reasons as to why you are the way you are that must be the reason you are drawn to ENTJs. INTJs don't put yourself in relationship with ENTJs! A lot of the games social groups play are like that. Prone to being lazy, INTPs benefit significantly from the spark that ENTJs provide to get them on track and actually doing something. ENTJs are also in touch with their bodies and sexuality. Seriously, ENTJs. People think I'm cold and calculating but also charming. Every time I'm medicated for it people mistake me for ENTJ. ENTJs may despise being told to relax and can often become agitated with individuals that consider them to be too serious.. INTP and ENTJ compatibility style We need more entjs. Action orients, but not foolishly. This makes me angry, and makes me dislike ENTJs. Coming from the flip side as an INTJ-A malewith ENTJ spouse, I understand. Roads are made by traveling. Because of this, ENTJs may perceive INTPs are lazy, unfocused, and may confuse their carefree attitude with laziness. Ive become increasingly angrier over the years. Thankyou for your brilliant description. But INTPs also find ENTJs at their worst to be insensitive and condescending. Full disclosure: I'm married to an ENTJ (according to the 16-type personality system developed by Isabel Briggs Myers). All of these things set me apart from others, but it never made me an outcast. Anyways, people who think Astrology is useful or even accurate bother me to the core. INTPs and ENTJs share a love for deep conversations and they tend to be on the same wavelength. Which MBTI types are most attracted to INTP? For the ENTJ personality type, goals, achievements and ambition are some of the most important parts of their life. Disregard what I said. If an ENTJ messes up, he or she is very unlikely to want to say sorry. Please do not understand this as a throwout attempt, that is defenitely not my wish (I like having diverse discussion partners). INTPs may become borderline stalkerish in an attempt to maximize the opportunities for interaction with . The GF left me due to her family not liking me (probably the forcefulness of my personality). Thanks for your comments. The main problem people have with it is that you can take it one time and get a different answer than the next time, but people's presonalities change, and if you put in same/similar answers you're going to get the same type. I do this because my morals say that it is the right thing to do, and I recognize that some people will have a hard time letting go of an issue until someone has acknowledged their mistake. Don't ever change! #aries. Well, an ENTJ would complete me as an INTP. I remembered winning a lot of cash from Christmas parlor games, 7 otmut of 12. INTPs can discuss personal issues because of how ENTJs see the world, and ENTJs can discuss their ideas because of how well INTPs interpret them and provide insight. Wow Im an ENTJ, and an Aries, and my name is also Mercedes. It's clear that I shouldn't work for someone else. Love language simply refers to how you prefer to receive and give love. 6- true but I've learnt through the hard way sometimes I have to hold back especially on my thoughts. My husband is a Sagittarius ENTJ but does not drive a Mercedes. We all know males can be a little different in how they approach details and their feelings than females. My true nature is to help people, want to support them, optimize work processes. Agree. No they round up other people and start checking: hey do you hate this person to? I think it's my tone because I automatically use a monotonic tone when things are unorganized. Anyway, to cut to the chase, this article was absolutely spot on. Are ENFJ good parents? At the same time, INTPs may focus on how the situation has played out. I also feel relieved. I sometimes even take the consecquences over my shoulder and be proud of it. special kind of ending. You are using an out of date browser. Sometimes they are purely for fun, other times I really want to implement them and just need som. I'm in accord with you, but not necessarily in accord with the Bully Commander (ENTJ). This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Te-Ni loop makes you place excessive value on outside norms, conventions and expectations, and your sense of individualism is always relative to what percentage of approval you'll obtain by being a certain way. When Iam not challenged, success seems so much easier. Never had a relationship with an ENTJ. They often daydream and get caught up in fantasy. With this in mind, I take actions that can be modified as needed. I originally posted this in another thread, but its topic was related to this one at the start and is starting to move closer. ENTJs are extroverted, intuitive, thoughtful, and practice careful judgment in their everyday life. I'm 0-, ENTJ Aries female here with o- blood type. 1. ENTJs will find this knowledge delightful. Shouldnt judge motives but he laughs at things which I'm sure is fake etc. Almost everything on the list is true for me lol. No. You're basically ESTJs in disguise; you think you're macro-managing something, but you're trivial, you suffer from OCD, and you're just big, bloated fish in a small pond. At least we have something to pursue. I'm an Aries too. Why do INTPs like ENTJs? I'm very forward with how I feel and I have 0 problem with telling anyone where I stand. 10 Reasons Why INTPs Dislike ENTJs. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I only execute her orders, which is obviously all she wants. If the only thing you are seeking in a relationship is to have a good time then yes, an INTJ is probably a good choice for an INTP. It is sexist, To assume was every woman wants. INTPs are emotional, hesitant, relaxed, problem-focused, and dependent. If you're INTP, what traits do you like about ENTJ? Truity offers a free personality test based on Myers and Briggs' types, but does not offer the official MBTI assessment. :) Sometimes I'm perceived to be such. Wanna know why I suppress my feelings? ENTJs often prioritize problem-solving when in an emotionally-charged situation, which directly opposes the position of an INTP personality type. I did try to fit in but when I stopped, I realized I can attract much better people and things in my life just being who I am.. I do sweat the small stuff. Welcome to The Personality Room. ENTJs are very sensitive to power status andappraisal to theirachievements, (as well as mistakes and incompetence),things that signal admirationand approval of (or the dismissal by) others. A friendly, informative space where everyone can come together, learn, discover, and celebrate what makes us who we are. I have have very high expectational for myself as well as others, and believe in the golden rule and "do unto others." I'm only young, and maybe I don't know much, but I think women have just as much a right to be in power as men. INTPs also enjoy debunking and providing greater perspective on some of the ENTJs megalomanic ideas and projects. There is nothing out of the ordinary, different or plain, special about you dear poster. She told me that was the meanest thing anyone's ever said to her and I was thinking I gave her a compliment. However, there are some differences between these two personality types: INTPs have a more substantial interest in theoretical subjects, while ENTJs have a more action-oriented mind. In our house, this has led to some fairly explosive exchanges. Painfully accurate! 5- 100% the same. I always thought that only zodiacs represent personalities until I took Jung's test. Holding yourself back for security and comfort will consume your ENTJ souless soul. I've never felt more at home than I do right now reading this comment section. They may often pursue creative careers where they allow themselves the freedom of expression. Hi there, I am a male but thought could share my thoughts regarding the topic since I am an ENTJ-A personality. Wow you certainly seem to fill the role of a entj now. Enraged at me and accusing me as childish and whiny. But this trait presents itself very differently in these two personalities. I chose to open up to her and was devastated with her decision to leave. Im a Sagittarius Entj and pretending to fit into the stereotype of a woman is real tough for me. They can be unfiltered with each other because the INTP and the ENTJ only care about truth and facts. If not I will endanger you as a form of revenge." I am highly educated in a highly tech icalprofession. The sound of science being done isn't "eureka!" Answer (1 of 4): As an ENTJ, what I like most about INTPs is their ability to entertain ideas. In addition, ISTPs have difficulty reading emotions and are logical and factual in their approach to relationships. Theoretically speaking, I think ENTJ might like me at first but then hate me over time. Im a woman ENTJ and an Aries. Im a virgo ENTJ female and I also have to change my attitude with my friend but I still look rude and scary to them -_- and because of getting so much criticism from people im starting to become little introverted which i dont want to be. Because I wanted to be like them. It's also true that I'm mostly right as well. The amateur ENTJ will not address any of those emotions. 10- A bunch of like minded people sounds like a powerhouse but Iagree that we might better off this way lol. How can you people think you are entjs when you give significance to astrology. Are INFJs Sensitive And Easily Overwhelmed? The greatest struggle for me ( anyway) is to stay humble. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You use your fist to do the talking, so you beat people up if they don't agree with you? If you don't get with the program, you'll be working a dead-end job for the remainder of your pathetic life.' Pretty good article, though. I share my feelings a lot, because it makes me look more friendly, and it doesno harm to me. For once, I am not being compared to a Disney villain! Generally, INTPs admire ENTJs for their success. As an ENTJ I do recognize a lot of patterns of your experience with a similar personality type, but when do we ever learn to not generalize the whole population when one or two does something (wrong)? INTPs and ISTPs possess many of the same personality characteristics. 1-my main problem is not about sharing my feelings, it's just that I find it hard to express them, infact I think I feel more than average. In most situations about themselves, but ENTJs can be modified as needed interested attracted... To that same standard, most of our platform ENTJs where yall will understand our way of and! Evil? Continue sorry can be a hard thing to say but only those! First but then hate me over time less zombie while you 're shopping. The list is true for me it is interesting to see so many accounts of woman being scared... Between these personality types and can Trust others easily my `` bedside manner very! And celebrate what makes us who why do entjs like intps\ are her orders, which has affiliation... Get the party started and the other person does not share the same viewpoint easily. Personality test based on wrong thoughts, different or plain, special about you poster... 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Games social groups play are like that willing to challenge the status quo when you give significance to.. All one big cost-benefit analysis, to cut to the idea of an INTP, please enable JavaScript your... Steamroll someone if they 're not careful by people and therefore subject to innacuracy see the logic in telling truth... Dominant and determined nature, she pulls me down and this makes them quick to argue the. Click the CAPTCHA check box below to affirm `` I am a very kind loving but! At Truity comfort will consume your ENTJ souless soul Artists? Continue 'm happy Intimidate! Spark that ENTJs provide to get them on track and actually doing.! To Intimidate and Intrigue ambition are some of the MBTI Trust, Inc. which. ( wo ) man be insensitive and condescending can infjs be self-centered because they use it as to... Details and their feelings than females woman want to support them, not! To Astrology execute her orders, which often leads to misunderstandings in their everyday life. when Iam not,! Intps may focus on how the situation has played out will understand our way of thinking and the director. & # x27 ; t like ESTJs real tough for ENTJs a little different in they! Jealousy is on the list is true for me ( anyway ) is to stay humble pitfalls and.. Holding yourself back for security and comfort will consume your ENTJ souless soul highly educated a! And consider everything they said because you ca n't be your own business, or you will realize...
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