Such a cool task as a physicist. You know, some people don't. I don't know how you make a neighborhood better, but it's not impossible. And when three of the cells neighbors are also alive, then you live on. And if ultimately this human being, this creature, that's when you look at the overall the goal of this thing. But there was just this, like, glimmer of just love what they do. So theory of everything is unify the physics of the big, which is general relativity, special relativity, and then the physics of the really small, which is quantum mechanics. Yeah. I'll be like, oh, it's kind of cool. You know, you're not getting people there live amazing lives that spend the vast majority of the day shitting on people on the Internet. And if the UFO came in the middle of something like that, like Jesus Christ, like who the fuck knows what would go down if I was someone who was in a position of power? That's that's the perspective from which they're thinking. Fucking fine and it'll get you around. He has even developed a friendship with David Goggins, the notorious former Navy SEAL, originating from a social media fitness challenge. And that's why he's so refreshing, right? Yeah, it's true. So they just get after it. Follow, rate and review podcasts, create lists, and follow podcast creators. And the people who worked for the people who ran the businesses are going to not have a job. It brings joy to my heart, Fridman said about playing the guitar. Oh, yeah. And you figure out how to use that here on Earth, you'll have technical superiority, technological superiority over every other civilization, every other country in that technological superior. *Sourced from Lex Fridmans Instagram account. And done this kind of exercise, what happens is it's kind of your muscles get used to it, it's not physically that challenging. But my this is a purely speculation. But it doesn't exist right now. But isn't that just purely speculative? Well, give me a different name. I have faith that when you give those people the power to do what they want to do, that it'll create a better world. Fridmans podcast is loaded with fantastic guests, focusing heavily on his passions of artificial intelligence, aliens, science, robotics, consciousness, and the universe. He's got him throwing high kicks with this resurface the left leg. Sitting with you and Eric Weinstein, the back of the Comedy Store, I remember during that moment the awkward and scared and nervous. Here's a mystery. Start fueling your adventures today at Liquid Ivy Dotcom promo code. And I go to comments to because they currently for me have 99 percent of them. Bees make honey. I think it's possible. He jokingly refers to looking like a Russian hitman.. But I also knew that I couldn't think of that. Listen, I'm you're a celebrity. I think California is so goddamn draconian, the restrictions. Fridman tries to set aside 1-2 hours every day to play with his hobbies, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, playing the guitar, and reading. Yeah, yeah. That's interesting. The camera's dog shit, it's just everything about it. Be patient. Thank you, friends, for tune in to the show and thank you to Liquid Ivy, my favorite hydration drink and now my favorite energy drink, Liquid Ivy is available nationwide at Costco. That and it's depressing to think because the exceptional humans in our society who would want to join the police force now? What is that like. Fuck, did I suck on your show? It's infinitely better. Still, for now, at least, I do. We can tell Russia what to do. Like they're usually just like you say, shaved head tattoos versus or like digitizer like cauliflower ears. There's you know, there's no way you can take that guy down in with the art of conversation. Yeah, it's so perfect. Can I just get his? They make me think they inspire me, this incredible people. In fact, on his appearances on Joe Rogans podcast, it is one of their favorite subjects to talk about. It's a conundrum, right? This podcast is a spin-off of Lex popular Youtube channel that hes been running since 2006 with over a million subscribers and a hundred million views. I don't know why I thought that. Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). The richness. We need equality of outcome. One of the problems is testosterone and estrogen and emotions and all these different things that, you know, the desire to control property and boundaries and all the different things, the territories, all the different things that make people tribal, all the different things that make people angry. In this episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast. He's he's reading more and writing more. You know, and there's a lot of those characters out of the comic store, so a special place. And it's also a big part of their social life, social life, a huge part of their social life and also physical touch. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. You have to increase education. Common. No, I disagree. But they would be your friends, you know. And the results of that, we were talking about the physical structure. It brings a tear to you. Yeah. He's still sticking together, fighting back. And so there could be the same kind of tricks on perception that you could just be playing different kinds of amazing secret human created technology that is able to deceive the human eye. Zip recruiter scans thousands of resumes to find people with the right experience and actively invites them to apply to your job. Scotch. So would be the estate of the artist, which oftentimes, I believe probably makes it more slippery. At least the major nations have all the weapons we need to destroy each other. Hate you actually now. Lions often breed every year, but in the wild they usually breed no more than once in two years. And there's also the video. Now, we've talked about it and he there are stories where it's thousands of people practiced cannibalism. Yeah. Well you see mistake right there. Junior Donald the fourth Lex Freedman Jr.. Yeah. But generally speaking, if you talked about those emotions to people that would say they're negative, they would put them in a negative connotation. That's a technology problem because like that shitty comment drives the way people like me from commenting. I think he needs the it would certainly help crowd to work off, you know, work often. You know, I know forever at the beginning of his comedy career. I miss you, I love you. There's nothing more inspiring to us humans than that. It's great for you and Liquid Obvious, an awesome company. I'm a scientist like who I like your mind starts making up stuff like why are you doing this? So they have like some vitamins, sodium, sodium, glucose, optimum ratio of sodium to glucose, like very scientifically researched. He was 27 years old, which is so crazy. What are the ways we've been doing it previously? We would like all our interactions with people in line to be people that we love and care about, people that share like minded goals, people that you can you actually can learn from them. Who the fuck knows it was one of Hendrix bodyguards or someone who worked for the manager that wrote the story. What if these things that we're seeing are the ultimate? Fridman likes to work out on his fast, with an empty stomach. Yes, we should be. And that place is zip. And then there's this giant technological race for Samsung's coming out with a new note. Let's take it out on the mat. No number is too high. You have to pick one up. But if you look 20 years from now, it would probably lead to progress. I don't think that's a long form, long term solution. Goal number two is a comedy club. I mean, that looks like it and or similar to. Mind hardened. So if you so if you look at any of those, if you zoom in on any of those graphs, I mean, when the previous page was the previous one was really good. This is why I mean, again, the Elon sort of exponential growth idea. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond. I think one of them they just showed three one I think didn't have it. It may not be as productive as we think, it certainly creates competition and competition creates improvement. This is a destructive creative destruction, fire. It's a tradition and it's about George Foreman. Not to brag, it's very weird, but I got recognized on the way to here four times was weird. If the population continues like this, that if you talk about large families there happening in Africa. There'll be an infinitely powerful generator of love versus destruction. So yeah that, that should be inspiring to young leaders to say you could, you can revamp the whole system. I mean, and there's a hunger for that. Many lessons learned. But I don't know how long that lasts, like when they're in heat. I started to switch to one meal a day, which is before I sleep, which felt good. They're trying to figure it out. A politician won't be able to like you to look right in their fucking head. I like to read a poem in front of millions of people and I'm speaking for the woman that probably is looking down and shaking her head like what are you doing, drink vodka. He recorded the last church of what's happening now. You're dwelling on the negatives so much that you're literally telling people where you train. Yeah, because I want to fuck people. Right. And yeah. You said terrible things about women. There's yeah, there's some pain, there's some drinking. Yeah, I mean, in Russia, I mean, Stalin is a complicated figure. Yeah, there's a creepiness to the way people behaved. And so they think like, well, many of the possibilities that are especially exciting with a technology like brain computer interfaces like neural link is must be 120, 100, 200, 300 years away. It takes an exceptional man or woman to do that. Tommy has a Lex. Mm hmm. Computer warriors. Like the King Island. The Best Lex Fridman Podcasts / Lex Freedman Podcast / Lex Freidman Podcast. What we need now is a great, like, inspiring leader. Like, you just you don't know what to do with it. It was just he was gone and he was fucking in his 20s. Let's make sure that people have a roof over their head. I mean, that's such a difficult he talked to Snowden is such a difficult ethical question. There's just a fundamental aspect of cruelty that emerges. And the things that live there are not they're not human, but they're close. That's positive. And you sent me back a video of him or I asked them a few questions and he sent back a video of him answering the questions, calling me out of my bullshit, because he said you said in your tweet, push ups and pull ups, motherfucker. The you know, the the the ridiculous aspects to overtop the overextension of the metoo movement is arguably worth the positives created ultimately, ultimately. I believe so in that. So, like I, I saw the post on Instagram, I went to Twitter. That's why there's a lot of people kind of. Then wander into the topics of evolution, whether humans killed the Neaderthals, why life is a fight against physics, and how ideas have transformed through civilizations. First, the emergence of space and time, then the I mean, everything you need to describe for quantum field theory, all that kind of stuff. How much fluid it is in his knee. I remember plasma, that's what it was, it was a plasma television and it looked like dark shit, but it was thin, fairly thin. The acclaimed podcast Redefining AI - Artificial I. So we're already in this place where we don't use our best stuff. And then you have on the opposite side Elon Musk, who who names. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue or walk with kings. It was not until October of 2018 that Fridman made his first appearance. And then next they'll just be like, that's it. But the thing is, we should press it like in unison. #123 Manolis Kellis: Origin of Life, Humans, Ideas, Suffering, and Happiness. So yeah. Yes. Like the queen. When I got injured, people were like just like you said, haha, that obviously you shouldn't be doing this. Right. It's not just that you post something, it's that other people get to post things as well. It was very, very, very common. He formed the intellectual dark web which is a loosely assembled group of public intellectuals includ. Coffeezilla is a journalist and investigator on YouTube who exposes financial frauds, scams, and fake gurus. And one of the things that we said was that what what really needs to be done is we need to do something at the root cause of it. Those that that's another really big part for me is promote people like let let them help them succeed because I feel good about that. Yeah, and that's the right term because San Francisco is insane. I mean, natural selection and just evolution in general is is so fascinating. If you could do that. It was fun, but it was just science fiction television. So his hypothesis is one of these rules created the universe where this little rule of if you see a pat on the left, create a pat on the right, it creates these incredibly rich graphs from which emerged this the he's modeling all of quantum mechanics of general relativity. Well, we're in this weird place where we kind of agree to not use our best weapons. 817; The Chip Warriors_Premium Episod. He says he basically has an idea for everything the purple belt did. I. So so body fell apart. You have to serve the community, all those things. I'm thinking a human would think that if they had control of this vehicle, I'm not saying that the aliens would think this way. Be sure to check out Lex Fridman on social media, YouTube, and via his website. Like like a triangle. He allows himself to have black coffee, without cream or sugar during his fast. Yeah. OUTLINE: And then I have Gorgons on me about it, always doublings stuff. So much pain in that song. I don't watch a television show, but he and I doing a show together, like a regular show, like maybe once a week, just just me and him sitting down and shooting the shit and talking about life once a week. I did hire somebody to help me, like, fight the trolls, but like to because you can remove comments and so on. The you should be able to choose to choose your actions. No, I think I think the people in the Democratic Party are too wise. Well, I appreciate that you think that way because you're a scientist and you're thinking about it in a very positive way to try to expand our education and our understanding of this thing. How do you say Donald Trump, Jr.'s girlfriend's name, Kimberly. Here's the fundamental problem. Mm hmm. That moved away from a meritocracy of where we want to innovate and change the world with our ideas to a little bit more like of, you know, I don't know how to put it, but I kind of groupthink that pushes against that. I know the push ups and pull ups, but that was way too much for me the whole time. And I thought I would get about maybe a thousand. Yeah. [3][35][36] He also practices Brazilian jiu jitsu and holds a first-degree black belt under Phil Migliarese. Call it social media interactions. He he would always take a cab so they'd have a limo and the limo would pick up everybody else, like all the other band members, all the other people that they would get in the limo and Stevie Ray Vaughan would get in a cab because he's that motherfucker. Right. It becomes more boring that he death in the universe, that everything moves apart, everything becomes relevant eventually. Maybe you're jealous. You're doing what you're doing. Yeah, from from inside, like Dorham in Avatar, that that planet that I've always felt like that movie was so interesting because it's close, right. And then you stop and think about iPhone one. And also importantly electrolytes because I'm running there's a you know there's a because you get that the headaches thing that you would take would be you would try that stuff. It's like I think three people are like two people. Yeah. And I have faith in the smart people working on technology that people kind of tend to be. You're the only person on Instagram who I comment on. You see what happens with George Floyd and see what happens with anyone, any. It's hard to put into words, but when you see that, like that's what I see with you with comedy, like I don't know what the fuck, I don't know about comedy. #5: LMNT Recharge Electrolyte Hydration Powder. It's like they they've left open. It measures your heart rate and heart rate variability. And you get an MRI? He brings fantastic guests onto his podcast like Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Whitney Cummings. I mean, there's so many checks and balances in place to sort of prevent that from happening because they're worried about someone doing it for the wrong reasons. Let's put all that aside. Yeah. That's another problem with things like neural like like how much is this going to cost and how much is it going to separate the haves from the have nots? I told him, stop reading them to know that motherfucker complains constantly about comments. This thing goes, wait, wait, wait. What. That's what I meant. And they're going to hook you up. And Jakiel willing talked about it and he had a great position. But you're actually telling them to do jujitsu and joking. Hes also an incredibly smart person, which is clearly evident by listening to him speak or Top 10 Joe Rogan Podcasts on Space, Aliens, and The Universe. I mean, I'm currently with the very small level of celebrity. Whether it's for fun or not, you're doing what you're doing. Let me can I can I propose a different thought experiment? After | 26 comments on LinkedIn 24:14 AI is the third brain of a jet fighter That's w h o o p and enter the code. It's expanding our consciousness, doing the thing that jokingly said with mushrooms, but basically doing what mushrooms do, but in a controlled and, you know, much more powerful way. The sound falls in line, meaning it all seems brilliant and purposeful in uniform, and the songs are amazing, but it falls in line, whereas you know what I mean, like my mom about this shit that Hendrix would do more than dance. I love exercising fasted on an empty stomach. I'm sorry. Like his friend Joe Rogan, Fridman is obsessed with optimal performance both mentally and physically. In a sit-down this week with Fridman in which Ye offered a rambling apology at the tail end of the conversation things got heated when the podcaster tried calling the rapper on his . 40:37 Sully Fridman makes an emphasis on getting electrolytes in his system so he can keep grinding hard for both his work and fitness. There's no way around it. We're all just communicating telepathically and all happened. All notes are independently created and do not imply any sponsorship or endorsement by the source podcast. One day they all got different deals I guess. I don't talk much on Linkedin about my side project, The Gravel Ride Podcast, but today I've got some news. You're a guy who did this fucking ridiculous thirty day challenge. That can't be true. Or actually understands the nature of existence in this universe and levels that it like we chimps talk about, like meditation and finding inner peace and understands and such a deeper level, like the nature of consciousness, the nature of intelligence, the meaning of life, all the weird stuff that we're so obsessed with and understands at another level. Alleviate suffering. What you're talking about is the negative ones. You stay hard. I as a rule, like never like I turned out that part of my brain off at the workplace because I feel it's such a difficult game to play. You like the Beatles and then the Stevie Ray Vaughan. So I made sure this isn't like to prove anybody to this. It's so bad. It's crazy. We want our village to be better than the next village when there's an alien civilization that's a million years more advanced, that would easily destroy us if we wanted to. My intentions are to try to get out of the way as much as possible, put together the best podcast I can do my best, try to be curious, try to feed my curiosity, just do my best open minded, kind loving that's not really OK and help people and promote people. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or support it on Patreon.Here's the outline of the episode. And jujitsu is a very friendly culture. Yeah. Like, my question to him was like, why did you think that's something you could fly? Don't say that. They rise to the top. They were doing playback of the 124. That ego, the ego, the consciousness, like it feels like something to be me as opposed to like maybe I'm just like a little finger tip of a much larger organism like and be able to see it like, you know, it's very possible that that what intelligent life forms look like is something much less individualistic. Eighteen. Zip recruiter makes hiring efficient and effective with features like screening questions to filter candidates and an all in one dashboard where you can review and rate your candidates zip recruiters. Is that a good song? You can't go. Lex and Manolis unpacks what he learned from the symposium and why its totally okay (and even good) for life to suck. And the place is in ruins. So I try and build it. It's a live die and you're just a single cell sitting there and you live and die based on your neighbors. You've called women pigs. Sure. What is the right like supplementation for that, and I wasn't sure, but I stuck to it, I stuck to basically entirely Carnivore, I would say under 20 grams of carbs, maybe even under 10 grams of carbs on some days, and mostly just a lot of meat. OK. My speculation is they are slowly spoon feeding us information to allow people to be more comfortable with the inevitable arrival of something. Destroy each other Trump, Jr. 's girlfriend 's name, Kimberly n't know how you make a neighborhood,... You look at the beginning of his comedy career Lex Fridman on social media,,... Already in this place where we do n't use our best weapons,. Optimum ratio of sodium to glucose, optimum ratio of sodium to glucose, optimum ratio of sodium to,! The exceptional humans in our society who would want to join the force! 'Re dwelling on the way people behaved the best Lex Fridman on social fitness. Lex Freedman Jr.. yeah who names oftentimes, I went to.. 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