The unique identifier Coupa assigned to the supplier. The supplier-created ship-from country name. To learn how to request updates to a supplier, check the training video. The tax rate indicated on the invoice charge. The supplier-created ship-from country code. Click on the receipt icon under the column "Actions". Email the PDF directly to your customer. Do I need to see a purchase order on the CSPbefore I can invoice my customer? Contact them and ask how you're configured, and if you can send non-PO backed invoices. There is no limitation on the number of invoices or file size when exporting legal invoices. The login name of the user who last updated the invoice. You can then create a new one. Manually set. To create a credit, enter a negative quantity. order-header-requested-by-employee-number. Also, your customer's comments that you need to respond to. Contact your customer to find out if you can submit a replacement invoice. TheInvoicestable shows the following information for all theinvoices you sent to the selected customer. Step One: Developing a Workflow A simple SuiteFlow "state" (a.k.a. This ensures invoice processing integrity. If the preceding actions don't help and your payments are still missing or incorrect, contact support. New window will pop up. Depending on the type of invoice, you have the following options: Standard e-invoice Void If an invoice was issued in duplicate or has already been paid for through an earlier invoice, void it. The amount of misc for the line item based on weighted summary expense distribution. b. Acceptable values: Fully, Partially or Not. Acceptable values: Raw materials, Investment goods or Services exceptions. The total amount of the invoice charge using the Chart of Accounts currency. Coupa has built-in integration with Slack, which provides users with another method for Coupa notifications. This status shows that the customer is in the process of receiving the goods/services into their system. The Invoices page appears. The unique identifier Coupa assigns to the corresponding line on the purchase order (if any). If there are any issues, Procurement will add comments to the requisition and you will receive notification via email, Slack or in your To Do List (depending on your notification setup in Coupa). If you weren't expecting to get paid until 30+ days after sending out the invoice, it will be at least a month before you catch the problem. workflow) should have four simple steps: 1. The employee number of the user who created the purchase order. If you are not logged into the CSP, you are directed to theLoginpage and you need to go to your notifications to download the file;or after logging in, you can click on theDownload Legal Invoicesbutton from your email notification again. The approver needs to send the e-mail for the approval to be made in Coupa. The value of the discount if the invoice is paid by the discount_due_date. Visible only to Coupa users. To create a non-PO backed invoice, click on the Invoices tab on the main menu. Invoice related payment receipts information, Date and time transaction was last exported in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ, Legal destination country used for compliance, Flag indicating whether taxes are provided at line level in this invoice, Net Due Date calculated based on the net payment terms, How the invoice payment will be handled - ERP (default), Coupa Pay Virtual Card, Coupa Pay Invoice Payment, Tag (Deprecated, please use Taggings association to add Tags onto InvoiceHeader), Tax amount (not used if tax is provided at line level), Tax amount calculated by either Coupa Native or External Tax Engine based on configuration, Tax code (not used if tax is provided at line level), Tax code returned by External Tax Engine based on configuration, Line tax code (not used if tax is provided at header level), Tax rate (not used if tax is provided at line level), Tax rate returned by External Tax Engine based on configuration, Original invoice date used in case of a Credit Note, Original invoice number used in case of a Credit Note, unique-identification-code-of-cash-receipt, Unique Identification Code Of Cash Receipt, State Tax ID Number for Substitute Taxpayer, Fully paid via Prepayment Agreement, Partially paid via Prepayment Agreement, Already paid for a Recurring Agreement, Retain payment per agreement, BUYER_VOIDABLE_STATUSES = [:pending_receipt, :approved, :draft], SUPPLIER_VOIDABLE_STATUSES = [:pending_receipt, :approved]. . Allows a 3rd-partysystem on the customers side to get an invoice approved from the current approver to get an invoicepaid as quickly as possible. Voided- These invoices have been voided. For any Coupa requests that are technical related, open an issue using the Coupa Request template. If you have an urgent issue, send a message to the #coupa_help Slack Channel explaining your issue. When the invoice was last updated in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ. Indicates if transaction has been canceled, Clearance document attachment file name. When an invoice is rejected, it goes under Rejected status and the Accounts Payable needs to edit and resubmit the invoice (or void if necessary). Your customer can leave comments on the invoice while it is in "Disputed" status. %PDF-1.5
-sOutputFile=? If you are connected to more than one Coupa customer, select their name from the Select Customer dropdown menu. To view the requisition/invoice/PO change request details, click on the subject line. it must already exist in Coupa. Invoices with disputed status are invoices with information that your customerdoes not agree to, needsclarification on, or finds incorrect. The amount of tax for the line item based on weighted summary expense distribution. Your customer can choose to notify you of this invoice status change and provide instructions. In case of a large number of invoices it may take longer. Click on the "Two-Factor Authentication" subtab. Invoicescan have the following statuses: The invoice has been disputed. is-credit-note=true
*Fully paid via Prepayment Agreement, Partially paid via Prepayment Agreement, Already paid for a Recurring Agreement, and Retain payment per agreement. 'jG\KS]:/ux?(36iN$x)#FM"~)Lwxa{OEO*MKT
&R4'aC:+9lO7+!S ; Deleting a main PO line also deletes inventory resources (i.e. Self billing reference - used for compliant countries like The Netherlands. When the invoice was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ. <>/ExtGState<>/Pattern<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 31 0 R 32 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
An invoice may also be placed on H status applieswith anElectronic Data Interface (EDI) invoicefor suchvendors as OfficeMax and Fisher. Coupa's invoice flat file integration file is highly configurable and contains numerous types of header columns. Describes the current status of this allocation record, If the allocation described in this record is active or has been voided. Summary handling amount added to the invoice by the supplier. H status is automatic when one of the following twoscenariosoccurs: The billing on the invoice does not match the billing on the PO, The quantity or price on the invoice cannot be matched with the PO's quantity or price, Only partial or insufficient documents were submitted for payment (such as missing pages or photocopies). On the invoice tab, click on the dropdown and choose the desired customer. When rejected, a requisition goes back to Draft status, the requestor needs to make changes and re-submit. By default, the maximum number of rows that you can export is 200,000. The supplier-created invoice-from second address line. Receiving is only required for an item-based (quantity) requisition. Excel spreadsheet, emailed by your customer, which you fill out and send back to them. After expiration you cannot download it from your email or online notification. The URL to access invoices is:
For more information, seeCreate or Edit an Invoice. Do I need to include accounting information on cXML invoices? 2022 Coupa Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. This can be used on Invoices only on approved and pending receipt Invoices. It depends on how your customer has you set up. If your customer is using compliant invoicing, they can only reject invoices but not void them. As per the T&Cs agreed, Coupa will issue the legal invoice on your behalf. You can adjust credit line quantity also in case of returned goods or if an invoice has already been paid for. If your requisition status is "Pending Buyer Action", it is in Procurement's To Do List and is being reviewed by the procurement team who will respond as soon as possible, no longer than 1-2 business days. Adding receipt date and attachments is also possible. Numerator value for the ratio to convert from 'Bulk Price UoM' to line UoM. The line number of the corresponding of the tax line. API,where you can automate the process of sending an invoice fileusing Coupa'sAPI. Relationship of this document to its parent invoice. To Reject: Open the requisition or invoice notification, review the information, and reject. Coupa Virtual Card Guide. The username of the user who last updated the invoice. The second invoice will also be processed, but it will be placed on H status. The frequency of the integration run is once every hour. 3. Together they provide the needed functionalities and is integrated to decrease procurement approval turn-times and reduce manual workflow delays. The date of supply in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ. Country compliante-invoices are marked with a green checkmark next to the country code in their top right corner. <>
A blank is interpreted as 1 as long as 'Bulk Price UoM' is present. The tax rate indicated on the invoice line. Why can't I edit, void, or delete an invoice? Use theSupplier Risk Aware Feed API to load yourgovernance, risk, and compliance (GRC) data into Risk Aware. Download/retrieve the legal invoice PDF. (Note that this number may vary depending on the license count for the current month) endobj
2022 Coupa Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Required if document-type is set to Credit Note. Only has a value if the header item line level taxation is set toTrue. One attachment can be up to 100 MB, but for performance reasons, consider limiting the attachment size to 16 MB or so. Possible values are:erp,coupapay_invoice_, The Invoice Reference Number (IRN) is a unique ID generated using SHA256 algorithm and based on the parameters GST reg number, document number, financial year, and document type, The IRN is a unique ID generated using SHA256 algorithm and based on the parameters GST reg number, document number, financial year, and document type, Unique identifier created by the tax authority's system for a specific document, Date on which the invoice is received from the tax authority's system, unique-identification-code-of-cash-receipt, Unique Identification Code Of Cash Receipt, State Tax ID Number for Substitute Taxpayer. When the invoice line was last updated at in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. Below the void page, select the "Reason for Voiding" and add notes if needed. Available actions include: Category Action Description; Approval Management: Approve Approval Request: Approves an approval request in Coupa. An External Supplier Form will be automatically sent to the Supplier to gather additional information. The.zipfile expires 30 days after you export it. Invoice Image Scan URL. Flag indicating if the invoice was exported to the ERP. The date the invoice needs to be paid by in order to get the early-payment discount. Required fields marked with two asterisks ** are only required when
Once the e-mail is sent, the transaction will move to the next approver based on the approval chain in Coupa. The supplier-created invoice-from country name. When done adding items in your cart, click Checkout. This user will then have to approve the invoice once received. The charge level tax supply date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. Calculated by Coupa based payment-term in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. Line numbers aren't necessarily listed sequential, but will appear sequentially on the invoice. All terms and conditions contained in this Purchase Order will be superseded by the terms and conditions of any contract between Company and the Supplier that is referenced in the Purchase Order as a basis for the transaction, including by Contract ID or a contract number used by Company to identify the underlying contract. Specific for compliant e-invoices for clearance countries, for example, Mexico. You can set your Invoices table view to show and export your legal invoices bystatus, created date, invoice date, period of time, and so on. registered-company-commercial-register-number. The account code from Coupa. The unique sequential counter Coupa assigns to the account allocation split. Account payable can also refer to the team of users who process invoices for an organization. For more information, seeWhat does the Export to button do? Text field for comments made by employees. How do I create an invoice that isn't backed by a purchase order? Must match an existing tax rate code within Coupa. Hold (H) & and Incomplete (I) invoices are invoices that are currently unpaid. Possible values are: new, ap_hold, draft, on_hold, pending_receipt, disputed, pending_approval, approved, voided, booking_hold, save_as_draft. ]MX
{=twQRXoq";\#|~PrXay(CFy(_p0}SY-+kcoB67{9v}7VMU;6n3f,kv`Kv\oHNcFcvv6U5M"kfeDq()^+JciaEQ[7t6aqEUh{xQ S5,XX)hc Nh6Vmj%I y-JZv>k#JfV All the basic information is displayed on the email. The line number of the invoice line, as it appears on the invoice. On the main menu, click on theInvoices tab. How to do a Purchase Order Change Request, How to Use Coupa for Invoicing and Payments, How to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). The disputed invoice has been abandoned. For example, selecting the Create object action and selecting Invoice as your object will create an invoice in Coupa when the step is executed in a recipe. E.g., If the official invoice is only for line 1, then lines 2 and 3 will need to be removed from the Coupa invoice using the corresponding red delete buttons (see below) : 2. Please NOTE: Invoices backdated beyond 60 days will be on hold and disputed if needed. registered-company-register-legal-entities, Dispute Method, Possible values are: Auto, Manual, The date when the invoice is received by enterprise via email, The sender email who sent the invoice to enterprise via email, Inbox which the invoice was received into, Amount due to the supplier - Invoice Total without withholding and customer accounting taxes, Where the invoice payment will be handled. Use the Coupa Sourcing API to create new RFx events, see supplier responses, and award suppliers at the line level. Your comments on the invoice for your customer. The unit of measurement that the company uses internally (for comercial purposes). The VAT number associated with the remit-to address (for tax and compliance purposes). ), credit-note-differences-with-original-invoice, Credit Note differences with Original Invoice. You don't need to contact your customer to do this, and it only takes a moment. 1. The unique identifier Coupa assigns to the account allocation. There are several ways to approve transactions in Coupa: Once Slack notifications are activated you can choose what type of notifications you want to receive via slack. The percent value of this charge (only for percent-based charges & allowances. Legal status of the company (for tax and compliance purposes). Possible values are Header, Line, or Line Split or Tax Line. If an invoice has been on hold for awhile, ask your customer to review it. The supplier-created remit-to country code. Overview The URL to access invoices is: https:// {your_instance_name}/api/invoices As of Release 29, Coupa has enhanced the invoicing API to be fully functional, on parity with other invoice buyer channels. Coupa is CBRE's ecommerce solution for purchasing, invoicing and payments. For more information, see Disputed invoices. File and click on how to invoices coupa will be edited and pending receipt invoices available via the export to invoice? True or False. The ICC (Invoice Capture Centre) extraction link polls for documents from SAP. See Integration Best Practices for more info. All new custom-fields are added to a custom-field namespace to avoid name conflicts and to make customer-added fields more easily identifiable. The approver may add comments on the Approval Comments section before clicking on the Reject or Approve buttons. '+wr}yFV/Pg>O&. To learn more about Zip, check the Zip Handbook page. Guided through coupa is on how submit invoices in one may negatively impact your invoiced amount of a Go to Recent Activity or Activity section. 2 2 PROJECT AND P2P OVERVIEW. Project Background and P2P Overview Raising Requisitions in Coupa Approvals in Coupa Receipting in Coupa Invoicing Cutover Go Live Support. The date the invoice needs to be paid by. Coupa's invoice flat file integration file is highly configurable and contains numerous types of header columns. Click "Allow". Commercial register number of the company (for tax and compliance purposes). The corrected invoice must have a new number. The Business had identified the need to optimize the Procure to Pay process with tools that would allow the creation of Purchase Requests, Purchase Orders, 3-way invoice matching, vendor payments, and accounting protocols for SOX Compliance. For more information, seeCreateCustom Views. The login name of the user who created the invoice. Split line accounting must be enabled. The greater the amount of the requisition, the more approvers will be needed. A reference to the cash accounting scheme used, Reverse Charge Reference (Not recommended for use becauseit conflicts with reverse charge and tax reference implementation at the line level. A: To check the status of a payment, go to the Invoices tab> find your invoice using the Invoice # column and click on the Invoice Number> Scroll-down to the Payment section and click on the chevron icon next to it > Review payment details. The buyer-created buyer-tax-registration local indicator. Split line accounting must be enabled. The supplier-created remit-to zip or postal code. This is often different the then company name. Not visible to the supplier. Accrual Coupa never escalates past the final approver and shows an escalation icon in the approval chain next to the name of any users that were escalated past. Click on it to view the PO. The invoice export file can contains the following types of rows, each with its own column format: The Budget Line Adjustment integration loader uses only a single set of header columns. We want to make it easy to grow your business and effectively engage with your customers on Coupa. A message indicating successful receipt is displayed. Once the department documents receiving, the funds are released automatically, and the invoice is paid. you will receive an email with the subject line Action Required: Click Link to Join Coupa containing instructions and a . Choose the PO youd like to create a credit for and select the red coins. Ask your customer which method they prefer. Is it possible to import/upload invoices into the Coupa system via CSV or Excel file? l 0gM *:AX2u0f5"7iwAEj-fyQMSz$CR`iI3R Click on the Create Invoice from Contract button above the Invoices table. Check invoices on completeness and correctness of data with regard to account. For more information, seeCreate or Edit an invoice an existing tax rate code within Coupa counter Coupa assigns the... Want to make changes and re-submit when exporting legal invoices ; approval Management: Approve approval request: Approves approval. Date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH: MM: SS+HH: MMZ emailed by your customer is in the process receiving. 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